July 1st hatching ..DAY 23 for a few of us!

good luck! happy
I've been watching for rocking, listening hard for peeping. Not a rock or peep to be had

Peering intently through the window I notice an odd spot on one of the eggs.
Grab the flashlight for a better inspection ........... I have my first ever chicken egg pip

Sending hatching vibes to all of us glued to our 'bators . Hope we all have some cute fluffy butts to show off soon

Good luck everyone !!!
omg i have a pip!!! humid is 65% with temp being 99 F. but their is a problem

My plastic thermomitor that came with my LG bator...it is RIGHT ON TOP of the egg that is pipping!!! does this mean the chick will not get any air???

My top plug is in. Do i remove it now??? Or when it start's to zip and hatch?? When i remove the plug my humid dropps rapidly....along with my temp. I know it needs fresh air but is it too risky?? HELP!!
Woke up to two pipping, one is now almost fully zipped, but I had to come to work-

I do not want to be here--I want to be at home hovering over my 'bator (guess that's why they call it a "hovna--bator" huh? 'cuz you hova over it!)

Sending postive hatching vibes to everyone due today!
First one is out

Not the greatest picture but I had to share anyway. ( taken through viewing window with a flashlight for light )
Should be cute 'n fluffy when I get home from work tonight.

From one of the brown eggs. A white egg has a pip

These are the 'barnyard mix' hubby brought home as a suprize.
congrats everyone! I have three that still are wiggling and rockn' one has been doing this for three days now. haha I feel like mine are never going to hatch but they still aren't due till 3pm tomorrow sooo we will see what happens. Good luck everyone with your chicks!

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