July 1st hatching ..DAY 23 for a few of us!

Congrats to everyone that has new chickies, i have my first hatch this morning day20 and i have anotherone that is rocking n rolling. Here is a pic of the new bantam chick that i received from PD.


Congratulations to everyone that have pips and zips and fully hatched babies! Woke up this am to one pipped but nothing else is happening with that one
a couple more have been rocking and I hear chirping off and on. Today is day 20 so I'm keeping my fingers crossed (while sitting on my hands lol).
I went to the store and to my moms house came back and one piped but it looks like maybe when it was rocking it hit the thermometer thing and made the hole a little bigger its like the size a quarter I'm not hearing anything from the chick just see the beak poke out every once in a while.
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This is what my chick did to her egg while rockin around she hit the themomiter i can see her wiggling around inside but the membrane is still intact. Umm what now I'm not going to help it out at this point it still has a day till she is due and you see veins in the membrane still.


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