July 1st hatching ..DAY 23 for a few of us!

Debbie Lynn, it's not your fault. There are SO many variables!
Thanks for the moral support
I really wanted these to hatch and thought with all of them being fertile and being shipped from CA and still making it without any broken, I just got my hopes up too high for my first hatch I suppose. But I'm going to try again and now I know a whole lot more than this hatch. BTW
and thank you again.
I have another egg internally pipping!!!
and that was one that sat under a broody for 21 days and didn't hatch and I decided to put it the incubator rather than throw it out after the hen left it, just to see what happens because i candled it and the egg was full and an intact airsac. and this was an egg with a question mark on it at the begaining because the air sac moved around from shipping but its in place now! we will see what we have in the morning! plus what i thought to be a dud egg with a question mark on it was just moving. so looks like i'm captain of dud eggs maybe making it to life we will see!
i just want to see one of my eggs make it
Well 5 out of 7 silkie chicks hatched the first to pipp was still pipped 32 hours later.So I helped it. It had a realy rubbery coating inside the sack it couldn't get threw.It seems to be doing well. As for the other 2 eggs,they haven't pipped or moved.Giving them 2 days,they were candled a week ago & looked good! Love what I got tho
Once chick is out as of 5:15 this morning it took her 21 hours since internal pip to emerg with a perfect absorb yolk and cute as a button! still wet and very loud seems pretty upset with the world right now. and i have anogher who was zipping at 1:30 am but on the wrong end and has yet to come out i don't know what to do with that one.

the second chick stopped pipping 2 hours ago so I just pulled it out i haven't messed with or helped any babies so far and my very first one died because of it 2 days ago my second took 21 hours from pip to hatch. But i pulled it out and what i couldn't see from the viewing window is a large whole it made on the bottom of the egg and it wasn't chirping, the membrane was dry even though my humidity is at 75. i started wiping it with the warm washcloth the bottom of the egg since it zipped down there popped off i wetted the membrane and a head sprung up at me and started chirping. I wetted the rest of the membrane set him back in the incubator since its the last egg I'm not worried about messing anyone else up. and in 30 seconds he popped out of the rest of the egg, yolk fully absorbed no issues. just seems a little weak compared to the other chick who hatched 2 hours ago. i will get photos up asap
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Well we (my daughter and I) just candled the eggs in the dark hallway, Looks like 3 have a good chance 4 are still way behind in development ( I don't feel they will make it put placed them back in the incubator) the last egg is ???? as to what is going on. He seems to have two air sacks.
here are my two babies that hatched this morning two Black Copper Marans! from different breeders one is half the size of the other but sooo cute!

here is the first chick cuddling the other hatching egg

our dud egg with a moving airsac hatched after being under a hen for 21 days as she left it and two extra days in the incubator. needed a little help membrane was drying out from pip hole


both together drying up and waiting for cords to pull apart.


and our three cochins from the broody to be my broodies next year!

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I found this yesterday:


I had no idea when the eggs were due because I had a chicken and a turkey sharing the nest! It took me a while to realize that they had gone broody, I figured they were laying eggs since they were both on the nest until I finally realized it was alway the same turkey and same chicken.
Only one has hatched so far, and both mama's are sharing the responsibility. I'm curious to see how many more hatch and what kind they are!
I'm still in hatch mode. I had a staggered hatch set up so still going until July 5th. I got 6 Blue OEGB, 4 quail, and 7 guineas. My first Light Brahma popped out this morning.

There was a severe storm that passed through here on Tuesday, the power went out just as my first quail pipped. Huge trees on the property camed down from the wind, lucky I still have a house. Somehow with an incubator temp of 77 degrees for over 10 hours quail started hatching. I ended up purchasing a generator. As soon as the incubator temp started coming back up I had guineas popping out like popcorn. I think I'm lucky to have anything hatch after all of that and of course most of these eggs are shipped eggs that I spent a lot of money on.

Now I'm waiting on Black Copper Marans, Black Marans, Splash Marans, Partridge Cochins, Light Brahmas, and Jersey Giants. I have several quail eggs and 2 more guinea eggs that I'm leaving in for a couple more days to see what happens.

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