July 29th Hatch along..anyone due for a hatch around then?

Sounds like you DEFINITELY have some interesting chicks hatching! HA! As for me, still only one guinea, but there are at least 4 chicks that are working on making their way out. A friend told me to spray the shells with lukewarm water, to help soften it, as guinea shells are so hard. I also did something I read on this site, that because the little guy is the only one so far, I put a mirror in the box with him! He is snuggled up against it when I go out the check on him! He did not appreciate it when I dipped his little beak in the water, however!

Sad news here. I got 10 new pullets yesterday, and did not notice there were some out last night when I closed them in for the night. This morning, I found something had dug in under the fence and killed and ate one pullet, and another pullet was lying dead in the pen. I don't have a clue if it just died or what, as no marks on her. Just makes me sad and angry at myself! I set a trap tonight, so hope that whatever did this will return and go for the cat food inside! We use a humane trap, and usually catch, take them out by the river about 5 miles south of here, and let them go. Eat fish, NOT my chickens!
I'd just kill it.............. unless it was an endangered species................

I still only have had 5 of the 6 new eggs hatch- I'm alright with that. It's still 20 baby chicks!!! They got moved to a 2x4' brooder last night (stock waterer) as there are just too many now for their big plastic brooder (3 upgrades in less than a week- yikes!!)
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Ok, here is my chicks group pic....
The black one with the spot on it's head, has the normal amount of toes, came from a blue/green egg..go figure! I called the guy that gave me the eggs, and guess what he does have? Silikes, Barred Rock, Americana, and Marans... yep.
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And last but not least, and you tell me what in the world I would call this little one...chick...green feet, 5 toes, and...came from a very dark brown
egg...want to add, it forgot to get the feathered feet that Marans have..I guess the first chick got the marans feathered feet.
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Those are definitely some cool looking chicks! I took pictures of my two guineas today. I have two more working their way out of their shells, and a bit of a crack in a fifth egg. Will see if there is any progress there by tomorrow. I would send pictures, but not sure how to do it!
Did you others make it out?

Have you ever done photo shop? Look it up. Do you have pictures saved on your computer? Or, I should ask, do you know how to put pictures on? Let me know, and I can try and help you from there.

Anyone else? I'm guessing everyone is pretty much done hatching.
Any pictures? It was fun..I had fun with that last batch, have to say, my most different kind of hatch. They are precious.

Everyone have fun with your babies!
I don't have photo shop. I know how to put pictures on here for sure. I just tried to upload a picture, but obviously didn't do it right, of course. I have to get to bed, so don't have time to really 'study' this thing, but I do need to learn how to do it! Anyway, we got a total of 4 guineas. I finally picked a bit of shell off of the cracked egg, but apparently waited too long to help the little guy along. He was just too weak and didn't make it. So, I am happy that for my first attempt at incubating and hatching eggs! Hope the two born this morning will be a bit stronger tomorrow. I know they are pretty exhausted today. They were born about 12 hours ago.

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