July Hatch-a-long


REALLY wants a new title
9 Years
Oct 30, 2010
I've got 24 eggs set to hatch July 3! All Black Amerucana's. Hoping to add some other AM and Orps to the bunch in a week or 2.

Anyone else??

Come on El, acre and jnj... i know you do... :D
Chicken math caught me before the first chicks even arrived (have 7 day old chicks coming somewhere around the 24 of this month), and I wanted to try hatching chicken eggs (I've hatched quite a few python and gecko eggs, so we'll see how this goes). So long story short there are 34 eggs going into the bator, and with luck half (I'm realistic, this is my first hatch on chicks, and they were shipped) will be pipping out come July 5th!
I've got 24 eggs set to hatch July 3! All Black Amerucana's. Hoping to add some other AM and Orps to the bunch in a week or 2.

Anyone else??

Come on El, acre and jnj... i know you do...

Yeah you got me Miss. I set 12 rouen eggs just after midnight on the 12th. Will be adding some Cochin crosses next wens to hatch with them. Me and older daughter trying a broody bird cross for her FFA, started as meat birds but they mostly will be in freezer soon. Just moved SLC and BO to pen with BR so will wait a couple days before saving some eggs. Make sure they're fertile. Lately most of my sexlinked birds have ben male so I wanted to change things up a bit.
So since I got rider going today took one of our boys for a ride to neighbor's, on way back our AS stops and spooks a guinea sitting on a nest. This is MIA2 I was HOPING was sitting not being digested. She has about 30 eggs. Due close to the first part of the month. And then I check the coop and MIA3 is not there. So 1 hatching keets prolly as we speak. 1 around the 1st and another around the 11th. Not counting the eggs I'll have around the 10th bator hatched.

The chickens will be SLCxBO or SLCxBR. Doing trial breeding some broody chickens that males might be good slow growing meat birds. If works great if not ALWAYS more things to do. Lots of projects I wanna start and see what comes from them.
Found rouens nest again this morning. Added yesterdays egg to it. Gonna see if she will ever sit. If not I'll have another setting in 10-12 days prolly. If I had had the male from the start I'd be on my 100th duck egg or abouts. She lays better than alot of chickens I have had 1st years. I think she is considered SQ with her breast and rump. He's not so will be nice to see if they even out in ducklings. By next year I might have an actual flock rather than 2 breeding pairs, 1 of which is still immature. I have plenty on my plate as it is with the year of the guinea and testing my chicken ideas. Maybe its a good thing it will be late late summer/fall or early spring before I have to worry about buff ducklings.

The only thing that is REQUIRED by wife is try to breed a line that looks like Light Sussex. We have a 1/2 breed male and I think some same females. Gonna try breed the colors into pure looking birds. Could be tough but I am game. She TOLD me to hatch eggs. Normally she is indifferent, as long as it doesn't cost. But this is a demand. I did say eventually we may have to find a sussex hen and she ok with that. But I can try for breeding for them for 2-3 years. Oh how many birds I could multiply, with an end that may never become fruitful.

MTW Miss, what Orps you looking to add? Which reminds me I have 2 Americana cockerals I not sure what I doing with yet. The idea of a bearded FF RC blue egg layer has come to mind though....

 MTW Miss, what Orps you looking to add? Which reminds me I have 2 Americana cockerals I not sure what I doing with yet. The idea of a bearded FF RC blue egg layer has come to mind though....

I am hoping for lemon cuckoo and maybe choc or lav. Oh and getting a pair if butterscotch so I'll work on those too. :D

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