July Hatch-a-long

I wish I had another broody!

Well today was a beautiful day outside. I repaired some fence around the chicken coop.
I moved three turkeys and two 2 month old chicks to the pen with my egg layers that supply our breakfast! Lol.

Then I added 6 three week old quail to the quail pen! There are 6 more quail in the brooder ranging from two days old to a week old!
Yay for broodies! My hubby's gonna kill me! Lol! JK. He wanted me to break the second one. I just couldn't do it. I'm so sleep deprived, I put 6 extra eggs in the 2nd one's nest. I forgot she already had 6 in there. Oh well, I'm sure most won't hatch, as they are borderline fertile (culled rooster June 3) & in the fridge for 2 weeks +. At least I'm not doing the work this time. I need a break!
Up to 9 out of 17. Hatch day day is today. Want to take then out but worried about humidity. Will leave then alone til tomorrow. Also set 18 cortunix on homemade bator due to hatch on the 15.

Make that 11.
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So excited for you! I had to tape mine shut so I wouldn't touch them! Mine didn't hatch 'till day 23 so don't give up if they don't pop out today!!
With six days to go, I have six eggs that look good and one that seems to have stopped developing. They'll be going into lockdown in just a couple of days, so I'll keep an eye on the slow grower and leave it in for now.

Meanwhile, I decided to make room for one of my hens trying to be broody today. It's her first try at hatching, but she's been nothing but dedicated for the last few days and settled into the brooder immediately. She's also been a mess for a few weeks now thanks to an ex-rooster, so hopefully she grows her feathers back during her stay. :) I have another hen who really wants to be a momma, but with four batches of chicks either hatched or on the way, I'm fresh out of room for everyone.
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I had a new hen go broody a few days ago so my granddaughter and I have her 6 more eggs and she's a sittin'
OK, I'm officially in this month.

I just put 6 Marans (blue copper and black copper) under my broody BO, Marlena. She is about 2 years old and this is her first broody cycle. I got a dozen hatching eggs from a friend on the Consolidated Kansas thread, and the other 6 are going in the incubator. Looking toward the 23rd.

Time to start obsessing again, I guess.

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