July Hatch-a-long

I am sorry if this question has been addressed before, there have been so many posts on this thread I have not been able to keep up... We had a bad storm last night, the power was out from 1am to 9am. When I checked the incubator at 3am it was at 82 degrees, and it stayed that way for several hours. Any chance the eggs made it through?
I think you'll be OK........................These little guys are pretty tough..................
I had a broody hen that accidently got locked out of the coop.( her eggs) for a whole day.
Even though I cried thinking all was lost......................they hatched.
I went and checked my incubator (again). THE EGG WITH THE DUCT TAPE BAND AID HAS PIPPED! I am sooooo stinking excited, I was really pulling for that one!

There's also alot more chirping coming from in there. It really sounds like they're cheering each other on :celebrate
So glad to hear it is hatching. I wish I knew that trick a few days ago. Tossed one due to a crack at top. Keep us posted on its progress.
So glad to hear it is hatching. I wish I knew that trick a few days ago. Tossed one due to a crack at top. Keep us posted on its progress.

I tossed this one too. Twice, into an empty trash can (at least it stayed clean, but I'm sure it hitting the bottom of the can didn't feel too great). Tough little chicky, my daughter has already named it Ducky :D
Ducky is out! I think it was a little sticky though, as it literally exploded from the shell. It was like it stretched itself out in there and it just cracked into bits and came off. It seems strong though, and it definitely has a healthy set of lungs! I'll post pics when it dries off :D
[COLOR=008080]HI Gen,[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]Yes, you can treat the feet and give this chick a wonderful life.............[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]I do not know how to post links...............
[COLOR=008080]But if you type crocked feet in search here on BYC or post the issue on raising chicks[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]you will find instructions.................[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]You can make a little boot for it. I have always been successful with this problem.[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]I am sure that I really do not need to mention the sooner the better.[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]Good Luck........................
thanks :) I can look it up no problem. I had to make a boot for one of my hens a long time ago, she was injured. Totally thought she was going to die, put her in a chicken chair & she stayed like that for 1 month, then did physical therapy for another month with the boot the first 2-3 weeks, then without it... After that slowly integrated her back to the flock, she spent all winter inside. LOL! Now when the dogs go inside the house she follows right with them, it's so cute. I put one of my roos in a sling & did the physical therapy with him too. Lol
Dolfi I had the same problem in my homemade so I had to soak the rags ring out a little and lay in the tray around the eggs but not touching them to finally get my humidity above 60%. You could try that.

Gofygure is that a Sussex hen? I have my Mary Lou going on 6 years and she's the best mom. I have 2 of her daughters brooding right now. If I already shared these photos im sorry, can't keep all these threads straight.

Little Lady-Silkie/Cochin x SS due 7/27

Little Red same cross due 8/1

Buffy the Buff Orp Bantam-hatched her 2 chicks yesterday.due 7/29
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