July Hatch-A-Long

Starts off at 95 and then usually ones down 5 degrees each week. I never check. I just put the light and If they are cold they get under it. If they are warm they dont. I figure how low to put it by watching the chicks. If they're all huddled up and peeping then they are cold lower the light. If they are all at the edges away from the light they are too hot, raise the light.
Yes, never saw everything like this happen right under my nose, it is great. It is cold here, all of a sudden, with rain, rain, rain. Glad I've got something to watch inside. It feels indeed as an addiction, a good one that is. I am however a bit nervous of this bunch of drunken football (soccer) players kicking the eggs and the empty shells around. All the Brahmas hatched a day early, the others are still pipped or nothing. Is it really better to keep the fluffies ones in de incubator? They so healthy and active en keep on running over the just hatched etc! I would love to put them in the brooder. Some pics: Number 1 Number 2 and number 5 Number 3
Cute babies! They are popping out like popcorn! :) I personally take mine out as they hatch. Let them dry in the bator. No problems here when I do. I just make it quick!
sometimes I take mine out once they are fluffy. Sometimes I leave them in so it looks like a baby chicken clown car come the following day. They won't hurt the other eggs. Actually encourages them to hatch.
I took 10 of them out of the incubator, also because of the very high level of humidity caused by the chicks and their birth. They didn't dry very well because of it. Everything is back to peace now, the lucky 10 ate and drank a bit and are sleeping now, as well as the others.
Of the last 6 eggs only one pipped. But tomorrow is day 21, so we'll see what happens the rest of the night. It's 02:00 here in France. Neighbours will be up in an hour to start their working day.
I'm so tired, I mix up all the languages in my head, sorry.

Thanks for the support!
Eliseswart... good luck on your hatching. Pray for mine too. I really don't want my breeding of Nelson RIR to loose a whole year. If these make it I can choose my best for next years program and use the rest for eating/sale eggs.
Put turkey eggs on lockdown yesterday. Looked in incubator and had my first pip of this hatch. Hes a little early only day 26.

Hoping for a good one this time.
A long day, but I have been blessed with 4 peafowl chicks and 6 ducklings... a couple are a bit week still absorbing yolk... hoping for the best. I feel a bit sick about the 5 peafowl that didn't make it... there were some weird malpostions and what not... anyway I hope to feel better tomorrow and enjoy the new babies. I wasn't sure if brooding the peachicks with the ducks was a good idea. The peachicks were in first for a while and didn't really know what to do with themselves, but when the ducks arrived it was like the ducklings were very affectionate with each other and taught the peachicks how to cuddle. So sweet : )
Update; only 4 eggs of 21 to go, one pipped and day 21 starts tonight at 18:00 French time.
My first incubation adventure works out fine, even one chick in the wrong position, upside down I mean, managed to hatch, with a little help.

So, not a bad result at all for the first time, I think. I am really over the moon! And they're so handsome, my little chickies!





Today @ 8:00AM

I don't want to name it yet, scared to get attached since I already lost one

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