July Hatch-A-Long

Turkey hatch update.

Of the 9 that went into lockdown 5 hatched.

4 still doing nothing ill give 2 more days.

Of the 5 that hatched had to cull 2 both had a bum leg.

So I ended up with 2 royal palms and 1 Narragansett chicks.

I have 13 burbon reds in incubator for end of month hatch.

I don't know why if I hatch chicken eggs I get 90 percent hatches on turkeys best I can get is 50.
Got 12 Americauna eggs from a friend who "just knew" her rooster wasn't getting the job done. Figured what the heck, nothing to lose as I've been hatching every 3 weeks since march 1st.... on day ten I pulled 2 clears! 10 made it to lock down and hatched 8 beautiful babies! So much for a bum rooster!!

On the bad side... 1 was born a "star gazer" and 1 kept sticking her legs out in front of her and looked like she was throwing a temper tantrum and 1 that had all her toes bending in all the wrong places like no bones at all! So, I did some research and added vitamin B1 and E to their water. Next day star gazer was better, but not anyone else.

The next day when I woke up to check on them all 8 were running around like chickies do and, except for coloring, I couldn't tell who was the 3 with issues and who wasn't. Stargazer got a pasty butt the next, washed her up and no issues since!

My prior hatch had 2 spraddle legs i and put boots on them both. Took them off after 3 days, 1 was perfect, put shoes back on the other one and 3more days. Took them off and she was all better too! Thanks to all those who put those helpful suggestions and tips out there!

Chicks in a box on the way to the brooder! I think 22 hatched.
got an awesome surprise today! I had 7 guinea eggs due to hatch Saturday, and they all hatched out today! We have four adult Pearl guineas and the eggs came from them. I've been wanting some guineas of different colors, and sure enough two of the ones we hatched are white! (thinking they will be lavender, because they have some markings)! Also have 34 chicken eggs setting! :)
End of Day 23 for me, call ducks not pipping, no peeping, no bills in air cells...really worried now. ._.

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