July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

I'm heading to Rochester for the day. The Midwest Regional Hosta Convention is there. My Mother in Law has a nursery that specializes in Hostas and is vending there. I like to try hybridizing Hostas so I'm going to see what is new.
OOOO...love hostas...I have them everywhere in my yard...have a few that take very well to the sunny location that I have then in as well...they just don't like the 100+ temps that we had last week. Couldn't even begin to tell ya the varieties though...
I have eggs! BHep sent me eggs! And they actually made it safely, despite being lost by the PO yesterday. I happened to order some F NN EEs from her, so she included my swap eggs with 'em. So cool!

Oh, and I have a box at a nearby PO that seems more responsible than our local PO. Hopefully it'll work!

I have eggs! BHep sent me eggs! And they actually made it safely, despite being lost by the PO yesterday. I happened to order some F NN EEs from her, so she included my swap eggs with 'em. So cool!

Oh, and I have a box at a nearby PO that seems more responsible than our local PO. Hopefully it'll work!


I am happy to report that I made it to Minnesota and back safely. I was falling asleep on the way there but the trip back was fine.
Tried these pictures on the breed thread but still confused, I have one that I can not identify breeds (barnyard mix of shipped eggs) everyone here is used to not knowing what they are getting so thought I would give it a shot here.This one is also alot smaller than the rest that came from the same hatch...reminds me of my production reds with a bleach white head
Tried these pictures on the breed thread but still confused, I have one that I can not identify breeds (barnyard mix of shipped eggs)   everyone here is used to not knowing what they are getting so thought I would give it a shot here.This one is also alot smaller than the rest that came from the same hatch...reminds me of my production reds with a bleach white head

Looks like it is a product of a 2nd gen sex link cross. With these the colors are unpredictable and white isn't uncommon to show up.

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