July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

I got both sets of my eggs today-all in great shape!
Eleven duck eggs, and six turkey eggs! I was a sleuth-I figured out both of my partners AND what breeds they have!
(unless they were tricky, and got someone else to send their eggs!)
got 2 sets of eggs today, assuming they are from this swap since one set has just names on the eggs (whatever breed rita is she has gorgeous eggs)..and the other set has no return address with a note for lockdown days in the box.....all arrived safely, it is funny to watch my mailman with these boxes, he handles them with great care and walks back to the car to get the mail, he carries only 1 box at a time and is very careful, wish they did this for the whole trip.......Oh and IF the small extra box is quail also, Thank You have been thinking about doing a different breed of quail other than cots.
Got my eggs from 1 of my swap partners today. All arrived in perfect condition. I got 12 eggs.
Thanks so much. I am gonna guess it was shellyga.... since the address said shelly Myers
Now to guess the eggs. From looking what she has I am gonna guess Sebrights????
Not positive though. I know she don't have all of her breeds listed of what she actually has. Lol....
I got my eggs today... 1 was crunched the rest look good....not that I can even see through most of them, So dark, almost red. Plus one super Mystery egg that is marked " mark this chick" ! Now that BETTER develop and hatch !!!

Now... I will be going back and snoop to see lives in the area of the return address. Heehehehee I can't stand it !!!
Got my first box of eggs today from Miss Shelly in GA. Gorgeous eggs, and SO MANY!! 12 of them, all in perfect shape! :D Thanks so much! Now to recon where I'll be putting the next batch of eggs...

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