July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

I just received a beautiful box of gorgeous eggs from my lovely swap partner!! Yay!!

The eggs were extremely well packaged and seem to be in perfect shape. The fact that they are two breeds I don't have makes it even more exciting... I did figure out who my partner is because I am nosy like that.

Thank you dear partner for the perfect eggs and for the extras :) :D ;)

Sorry for all the enthusiastic and exuberant adjectives - I am in an extremely good mood today..
I'm glad they got there before the weekend, I was worried 'cause they had to travel the whole way across the country! If you'd like pictures of the "parents" let me know.
I'm not sure who sent me the quail eggs, I'm guessing Cotournix?

Still waiting for my 2nd set of eggs, hope they don't spend the weekend in the PO.
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Oh, I would love to see the parents of my future chicklets please! You did an amazing job of packing the eggs. I don't think they wanted to leave their nice, safe cocoons :D

Thank you again.
Got my second swap eggs from the great state of Oregon today! Labeled 1-3's so we'll see what comes of them! All arrived in perfect condition :) Thanks Swapper!
I got my 2nd set of eggs today. Thanks Beth.....
I reconize your state and your city. Thanks for the guess, now the guess of what bantam they are.
I got my last set of eggs today, We got a BIGGG momma egg( Im guessing turkey) a set of baby eggs( some bantam... i'm never going to know what all these bantams are!) and tinny tinyyy quail eggs.
It was like an egg family!
And for those of you that got quail eggs
Cortnix ( little speckled eggs like the eggs in the store) 17 days
Buttons ( tineeey tineey eggs mostly solid) 17 days
bobwhites ( pointed and white) 23-24 days.
If your not sure what type of eggs you have google the types of eggs, its fairly easy to pick out.
Turkeys 28 days
pheasent 25 days.
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