July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

The small egg hatched and 2 of the whitish colored eggs.

They are kind of big for quail, but I am used to cot's
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The small egg hatched and 2 of the whitish colored eggs.

They are kind of big for quail, but I am used to cot's
I can't take it
. You need to really really look at those "quail"
(wheb you can get a good look) and tell us what kind of "quail" you think they are
Woulda had to be Lily...LOL OK...if you wanna know I can tell you what the Mommas are & possibilities for the daddies
Those 3 all happen to be mixes. Sounds like the Silkies & Cochins didn't make it.
That's it...sorry, i'm bad a remembering names sometimes...I would love to know. Had to put all mine into lockdown early...I have 3 brinsea octogans, 2 for incubating, 1 for hatching. I have my turkey eggs in the hatching one. They're all in my bedroom and I heard cheaping in the middle of the night and thought it was my turkey....nope...it was some eggs in the 2nd bator...not due for lockdown till the 10th -12th...one already hatched bbs bantam ameraucana from another swap and one of Racheals d'Uccles has pipped already...Now I know a spike in temps could cause them to hatch early but these Brinsea are rock solid on holding temps. and I haven't changed them...looks like it'll be a crazy day..lol...
My last egg from Reese quit before lock down but I'm happy to report that my first egg from shellyga has hatched. If they are all the same I'm guessing they are Buff Orps or Lemon Cuckoo Orps. There are about 4 more pipped. Woot
To whomever sent me eggs - I have 2 of your silkies running around the incubator, and 2 more have pipped. There is also the possibility of 2 more to pip and hatch. I had no idea what the eggs were, but when they hatched and I saw the little domed heads, I knew. Awesome, thank you!
Out of two swaps only one hatched. It was from a big white egg from PA. The chick is big and yellow and very lively. I am dying to know what it is. There are far too many breeds that hatch out yellow, and that is assuming it is a purebred. It could be a mix. Sadly none of the bantam eggs I got from my other swapper made it. Only a few started and they had blood rings early. So now I have one lonely chick in the brooder with nothing hatching for 10 days. I may have to put one of my cx chicks in with it to keep it company. So does someone(you know who you are) want to clue me in as to what I just hatched?
Out of two swaps only one hatched. It was from a big white egg from PA. The chick is big and yellow and very lively. I am dying to know what it is. There are far too many breeds that hatch out yellow, and that is assuming it is a purebred. It could be a mix. Sadly none of the bantam eggs I got from my other swapper made it. Only a few started and they had blood rings early. So now I have one lonely chick in the brooder with nothing hatching for 10 days. I may have to put one of my cx chicks in with it to keep it company. So does someone(you know who you are) want to clue me in as to what I just hatched?
I only had 2 rooster old enough at the time of the swap,,,,slw (in avatar) and a pure leghorn....If the egg was white it had to be from one of my leghorn hens.....good chance it is pure leghorn...only other possibility is one of my buff orpingtons will lay eggs that are very light cream colored , sometimes looks white....I have a pic of leghorn/bo combo, they are turning out to be nice hens..
To whomever sent me eggs - I have 2 of your silkies running around the incubator, and 2 more have pipped. There is also the possibility of 2 more to pip and hatch. I had no idea what the eggs were, but when they hatched and I saw the little domed heads, I knew. Awesome, thank you!
I sent you some silkies!!! Yay!!! I hope the all hatch for you!!

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