Jumping bird looking in window at me


Heavenly Grains for Hens
9 Years
Jun 8, 2010
Pacific NW- where the Douglas Firs grow
This is about the jumping bird that looks in the window at me every day.

Well, I have windows in my room that are tall, so I don't bother putting fabric across the very top of them.

I use fabric from the fabric store for my curtains (not sewn or anything) so I can make handkerchiefs with them when I want a change.

Every day, a little sparrow or wren lands on the top windowsill outside but is too small to peer over the sill. So she JUMPS and JUMPS so that she can look in on me.

It is rather like seeing a bird on a trampoline, with it's head coming up so you can see it. She does this 5 or 6 times, then flies into the gutter where I think it must have a nest as there is an overhang.

I couldn't believe my eyes the first time this happened. Now it happens every year at nesting time.
Not to steal your thunder by any means - I have had a sparrow do that to me every now and then, not regularly. Just want to acknowledge that the first couple periscope peeks startled me, then they amuse me, and I feel really good inside. Just a harmless little oddball (and probably ABnormal) bit of nature reminding me there is a world outside I do not understand, but I love to observe.
Dear Sweet, Dear Linda, I hate to rain on either of y'alls parade but....

I seriously doubt the birdies could care less about us insignificant humanoids.

Turns out little birdies aren't on the outside looking in at all, they're usually looking (and fighting or courting) their own dear self.
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Oh, of course! Can't believe I didn't think of that - saw magpies attacking their own reflection with vigour a while ago. Quite hysterical to see those big birds flapping at the glass in a frenzy.

Oh, of course! Can't believe I didn't think of that - saw magpies attacking their own reflection with vigour a while ago. Quite hysterical to see those big birds flapping at the glass in a frenzy.

That's why they don't do it below the homemade curtain, only above (curtain blocks the reflection). Also, why it's more common at mating/nesting time.

Oh, of course! Can't believe I didn't think of that - saw magpies attacking their own reflection with vigour a while ago. Quite hysterical to see those big birds flapping at the glass in a frenzy.

That's why they don't do it below the homemade curtain, only above (curtain blocks the reflection). Also, why it's more common at mating/nesting time.

Yup, it was definitely spring. I'd stand by and watch them for hours. Taped one screeching at its reflection on my phone, unfortunately I can't upload anything from that cell onto the computer.
She is really looking at me, even made eye contact with me.

But I must admit that my feelings were hurt when I found out there was most likely a nest up there.

I wanted to be the one reason she was jumping.

A birdy friend. The thought even crossed my mind...maybe she knows I love birds because of all the chickens in the yard.

I was suckered into it, and fell for it.

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