June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

HSTs! I guess I better practice with a few scraps to get the method down right before I make the official ones! I like the idea of the cut lines with the sewing lines 1/4in in. I also caught a glimpse of someone doing strips and then cutting. I'll have to research that one to since I like to assembly line as much as possible! (Makes for working with the husband fun since he wants to do the entire process for one part of the project at a time: drill the hole then drill in the screw, then move to the next spot and repeat. Not me, I want all my materails right there ready to be assembled into the final thing!!)

We've been planting our garden and orchard the last few days. We are both teachers and our town is on spring break, which at our house means full time farming without grading papers!! We've planted plum trees, apple trees, blueberries, and grapes. And somehow the apricot tree really turned out to be a nectarine tree. I've no clue what I'm going to do with that. I don't even think I like them, but I guess I'll learn. Maybe I can make a fruit jelly with it?? We also got the root veggies planted this week and built some new planters for the garden for cucumbers. We have a terrible time with squash bugs on them every year. I am beginning to think they hatch from the seeds with the plant to eat since they are never around until the plants are huge and healthly! I was talking with my mom last night as commented that all our our fruit trees the kids like should be producing great about the time they all grow up and move out, then I'll have tons of fruit with noone to eat it. Planning for kids and farming should have been done at the same time!! ;) Oh well, someday grandkids will arrive and will enjoy it.

Hope you all have a great day! Abby
You don't like nectarines? Oh my... I think nectarines are "Nectar of the Gods!" yum yum yuuummmmmmmm!

You can make preserves, ice cream toppings, just sliced up fruit with cream (or without) eating out of hand, etc etc etc etc etc.

I like my quilt pieces ready to go too. I DO NOT enjoy putting together a whole block and then trimming off corners, etc., so I can do the next one. Hand piecing, on the other hand, I just need the shapes drawn on the back, a few straight pins, and I sew them up!
Kimmie , you need 1 yard of each of the fabrics for the stars. So.......... 1 yard dark green, 1 yard light green and 1 3/4 yards of background fabric. In total 3 3/4 yards.
wow abbynormal you have been busy, you will love the nectarines they are just peaches with out the fuzz, we have peach,pear,plum and a nectarine trees here, but they always seem to bloom just before the last frost killing most of the fruit, the only thing my husband does not like about the fruit trees is mowing time when the fruit has dropped.
This is who I have so far for this swap:

Lacy Blues

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