June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

My old Sears Kenmore has the motor and belt attached to the side of the machine and I call her ole faithful, she straight stitches and zig zags, but all metal parts and the man that tunes her up and cleans her says she will last another hundred years,this machine is older than I am I'm glad to say. I remember my mother sewing on this machine when I was a little girl, my mother gave it to my brothers wife who just let the kids play with it and I rescued it many, many moons ago, I was offered money for her which I thought was a fair price but glad I didn't sell her. The only thing is she doesn't have her cabinet anymore and have not found one she will fit into without cutting on it, guess I just have not looked hard enough.
I have an old singer 99K I have an old office desk but I did have a foldable sewing table I wish I still had.
I just wanted to let you know I purchased the Necchi 513 Lelia today. It is in what I think is the original cabinet, looks like a work horse and runs. I am going to take it to be serviced and try to find some accessories for it. It only has the one regular foot and no bobbins so I was not able to actually test it but I think for $50 bucks it was a good deal.

I will see if I can get it going and maybe join the swap if you still have room.
I just wanted to let you know I purchased the Necchi 513 Lelia today.  It is in what I think is the original cabinet, looks like a work horse and runs.  I am going to take it to be serviced and try to find some accessories for it.  It only has the one regular foot and no bobbins so I was not able to actually test it but I think for $50 bucks it was a good deal.

I will see if I can get it going and maybe join the swap if you still have room.


Hope everything works out with your new machine. Sounds like you may have gotten a really good deal,
Kimmie I had to look up your machine, I love it,

Littlechicklet glad you got your machine, and we will have room for you, just let us know for sure.
Well, I was working away on my blocks when all of a sudden now it seems the tension is shot and I have no idea how to fix it. I have a "Quilter's Dream, Elna 6003" and I seem to have lost my handbook for it. I guess I'm going to have to put it in a shop and have them give it a tune-up while its in there.
Lacy, I always do the following when my tension goes:
Check under the footplate. If you haven't swept it out in a couple of weeks you may have a wad of fabric dust which sometimes can be so bad that it looks like a piece of felt which is supposed to be there. It isn't and can affect tension.
If the bottom thread is tight and the top thread is loose then either the top has become threaded wrongly (usually not round a little hook or something really simple) or you have a scrap of thread stuck in the machinary. I have a Bernina and can unscrew the cover at the front. I don't know what the Elna is like for that.
Finally, on a Bernina it is possible to put the bobbin in the wrong way round and cause problems. Can you do this on an Elna?

I suspect you have tried all these things. Just trying to help.
yeah, biscuits are cookies, but what are biscuits? I can't remember, they aren't scones, you know the things you put butter and jelly on and eat with your eggs and bangers (sausage). I love this we could go on for ever
Biscuits are definitely cookies and we have a huge range of them in the UK.
Jelly(US) is jam in the UK and jelly(UK) is what I think you call jello? Is that made in moulds and wobbles?
Scones are delicious and we have ones for sweet things such as jam and clotted cream and cheese etc ones for savoury but we never eat either with something like sausages or gravy. We eat them on their own.
I wonder if US biscuits are more like muffins? I don't know anyone in the UK who eats muffins often as the bought ones are pretty tasteless and I don't know anyone who bakes them. Having said that I bet fenrosie does. I often read novels, especially the Earlene Fowler ones set in Central California, where people are baking biscuits for breakfast, eating biscuits with gravy or having maple syrup on pancakes with savory stuff on the plate too. I would love to know what these biscuits are. Can anyone post a recipe so we can try baking them in the UK. Also, what are grits? What are they made of? Oatmeal?
Am off to our national quilters guild AM today for four days, hurray. Will tell you all about it when I return if you are interested.
Grits are ground corn that are boiled until tender. Some people add a little sugar and butter, others prefer a little salt and pepper. It is primarily used as a breakfast food but not uncommon to be served with other traditoinal sounthern meals...It truly is a Southern thang, LOL.
Good news! I had checked my machine and rethreaded it at least 3 times but apparently I missed the most important spot for thread.

I've completed my blocks. They've been ironed but I need to square them up and clip off any threads that didn't get trimmed.

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