June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

Lacy Blues very pretty block, but figure the odds of all the fabric we have the same clover fabric
, glad your machine is fixed and it was a simple fix too.
Biscuits are definitely cookies and we have a huge range of them in the UK.
Jelly(US) is jam in the UK and jelly(UK) is what I think you call jello? Is that made in moulds and wobbles?
Scones are delicious and we have ones for sweet things such as jam and clotted cream and cheese etc ones for savoury but we never eat either with something like sausages or gravy. We eat them on their own.
I wonder if US biscuits are more like muffins? I don't know anyone in the UK who eats muffins often as the bought ones are pretty tasteless and I don't know anyone who bakes them. Having said that I bet fenrosie does. I often read novels, especially the Earlene Fowler ones set in Central California, where people are baking biscuits for breakfast, eating biscuits with gravy or having maple syrup on pancakes with savory stuff on the plate too. I would love to know what these biscuits are. Can anyone post a recipe so we can try baking them in the UK. Also, what are grits? What are they made of? Oatmeal?
Am off to our national quilters guild AM today for four days, hurray. Will tell you all about it when I return if you are interested.
Majack, pm me your address I need to send you some grits for you all to try, now I like mine with pepper (you put salt in when you cook them so I don't put extra when they are on the plate)and I get my eggs over easy so the yolk mixes with the grits yummmm, They also serve grits with shrimp and I have never tried it cooked that way, but heard it was good, you'd have to google shrimp and grits for a recipe. When grits cool they become a sticky glob, some people make them into patties and pan fry them, I just add more water and enjoy again, I have never tried the sugar with the grits and yes jelly is our jello. I have included my husband in this conversation and he said I need to include in your package, muffin mix, the white gravy that we put on our biscuits mix, and I will include biscuit mix, and he also wants me to tell you that we are Southerners from Georgia, (man thing I think) and grits are a southern thing oh put butter on the grits too. My mother was from Oregon and she never had grits until she moved south, and I remember her telling me that she took some home for her family to try because they had never even heard of grits, they quickly became her favorite. I'd like a recipe for Yorkshire Pudding.
Mincemeat? Oh my... too strong for my taste. What I do now, when I do make mince pie, I will make a deep dish apple pie with only about half the recommended amount of apple filling, then put a thin layer of mincemeat on top of the apples and on top of that, some cranberries that have been prepared in a way similar to the apples. Then comes the top crust... it's actually quite different and good.
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May I critique?

I'd say your only big problem was using stripes. It would exceedingly difficult to line them up as you found out. This pattern looks the same as a LeMoyne Star. If you used that pattern with the stripes, it would work out very nicely. You would only have to be careful to cut them perfectly on the lines. The other problem is just getting your points to meet and this will come with a little more practice. Ah, I just re-read... this is a practice block. In that case, you did fine, the only issue would be your points but you did quite well... just about ready to go!

Finished my very first quilt block with my practice fabric!! Still lots of issues to work out, but not horrible I guess.

Very nice! I'm doing some practice blocks, too; I'll be using some green fat quarters I found. It wasn't enough to do the 16 blocks for the swap, so they'll be extras that I'll add to the quilt during assembly. Love your patriotic color palette!
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I just wanted to let you know I purchased the Necchi 513 Lelia today. It is in what I think is the original cabinet, looks like a work horse and runs. I am going to take it to be serviced and try to find some accessories for it. It only has the one regular foot and no bobbins so I was not able to actually test it but I think for $50 bucks it was a good deal.

I will see if I can get it going and maybe join the swap if you still have room.

Wonderful! Can't wait to hear about it once it's back from service and running. I'm sure it'll be great!
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