June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

Finished my very first quilt block with my practice fabric!! Still lots of issues to work out, but not horrible I guess.
I love red white blue together! Pretty darn good for your first try! Don't know if you have tried it, but pins help hold your fabric in place to keep your point lining up, especially where you have several points in one place (like the center). Just don't run over them with your needle.
Thanks for the advice everyone! I didn't even think about the stripes til I started putting pieces together, then I was like, oh crap! Lol No, I haven't used pins yet. I bought them, idk y I didn't use them. But, that's why I started with practicing. I'm still learning to use a sewing machine too, this is the first time I've used one, and had to watch a video just to figure out how to thread it!! LOL So, I wasn't expecting perfection anyway. Gonna work on another tomorrow. Still struggling with cutting too. Hard to figure out how to make a straight edge to start.
If you can afford a self-healing cutting mat, a rotary cutter and an acrylic ruler, you will have nice perfect edges. A word of caution with the rotary cutter... EXTREMELY SHARP - BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WITH IT AND DON'T LET YOUR KIDS ANYWHERE NEAR IT.

Excellent job for such a newbie! I'm inclined to disbelieve you.
Wonderful! Can't wait to hear about it once it's back from service and running. I'm sure it'll be great!
Thanks everyone for the suggestions & support. It went to the shop today so maybe next week I will either get it back or find out its not worth fixing. I will keep you up to date & maybe if it gets back in time I can join in the swap or the next one.

If you can afford a self-healing cutting mat, a rotary cutter and an acrylic ruler, you will have nice perfect edges. A word of caution with the rotary cutter... EXTREMELY SHARP - BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WITH IT AND DON'T LET YOUR KIDS ANYWHERE NEAR IT.

Excellent job for such a newbie! I'm inclined to disbelieve you.
x2! I carry a scare on my left hand at the bottom of my middle finger from carelessness. ALWAYS shut the blade immediately when done cutting. lesson learned the hard way

Thanks for the advice everyone! I didn't even think about the stripes til I started putting pieces together, then I was like, oh crap! Lol No, I haven't used pins yet. I bought them, idk y I didn't use them. But, that's why I started with practicing. I'm still learning to use a sewing machine too, this is the first time I've used one, and had to watch a video just to figure out how to thread it!! LOL So, I wasn't expecting perfection anyway. Gonna work on another tomorrow. Still struggling with cutting too. Hard to figure out how to make a straight edge to start.

I am not great with a sewing machine either and points are difficult but with practice I think we both can do it! And for a beginning block it looks really nice.
If you can afford a self-healing cutting mat, a rotary cutter and an acrylic ruler, you will have nice perfect edges.  A word of caution with the rotary cutter...  EXTREMELY SHARP - BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WITH IT AND DON'T LET YOUR KIDS ANYWHERE NEAR IT.

Excellent job for such a newbie!  I'm inclined to disbelieve you.  ;)

I'm using those things. Lol. I know my edges are straight, I guess what I meant is making it square. I've read and researched quite a bit, and watched some videos before I ever tried anything. I'm a perfectionist, so I am slow at getting started without some clue as to what I'm doing, always afraid I'll mess up a lot, then throw in the towel.
Forgot to add all this talk about food is making me hungry. I am Southern born/raised so homemade biscuits and gravy with bacon & eggs is my favorite meal. Of course the gravy has to be made with bacon grease! One day in the very near future I am sure my doctor is going to tell me I can no longer have this meal but until then it is a once a week meal at our house.
and must have either home canned wild blackberry jam/jelly or homemade/canned apple butter.

dang! must go eat now
Thanks everyone for the suggestions & support. It went to the shop today so maybe next week I will either get it back or find out its not worth fixing. I will keep you up to date & maybe if it gets back in time I can join in the swap or the next one.

x2! I carry a scare on my left hand at the bottom of my middle finger from carelessness. ALWAYS shut the blade immediately when done cutting. lesson learned the hard way

I am not great with a sewing machine either and points are difficult but with practice I think we both can do it! And for a beginning block it looks really nice
You have squeeze my rotary cutter to uncover the blade, closes when I let it go, I love it.
I completely agree on the cutter and mat, you get nice straight edges and the time saved cutting gives you more time for sewing. The mats can be a little pricey but last forever. Joann's does have a lot of sales, hopefully you have one close. I caught my large mat on sale there. A small one would do for this project. Rotary cutters ARE sharp. I've accidentally nicked my fabric enough times to learn to close it if I don't have it in my hand. With a little more practice to build confidence, you will be turning out blocks like a pro. Seems you're a natural, Sonderah.

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