June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

As far as the blocks being on the small side, I agree with the others we'll be putting borders between them and I think I recall my April blocks being on the "slim" side as well. We will work with them as far as I'm concerned because I know mine are far from perfect I just hope everyone is enjoying them as much as I am.
Sonderah- I have 8 pulletts and 3 banties in my kitchen, stinky is the word in my house, the pulletts are from Good Friday and the banties are a week older, I won't put them out until May. They at this time are trying to escape from the bins they are in, lots of fun!

Have a good few days ladies.
PharmGirl, I'm with you on working with the blocks, I love seeing what everyone has made and the imperfections just add character. I have not put together a quilt made from our blocks yet, but I plan on it soon.
I'm planning on putting blue jean scraps in between the green and white June block. I would love to see everyones after they get them put together. Also, I am going to use various colors to make a patchwork strip to put our April blocks together and it is going on my porch swing. So excited!!
Majack, thanks for the info, never thought the type of thread you use can make a difference, I have had to take a break from the blocks, I had given up making clothes but my husband keeps bugging me to make him some more shorts, so his birthday is monday and I am going to surprise him with some.
Kimmie check on the back of the sand, or ask to make sure it is asbestos free, don't know if this is still a problem but it was in years past.
Marty, my June blocks will be on their way tomorrow!
Seriously, I am just teasing! I haven't even had a chance to get mine started yet, but hopefully soon!
I actually made myself finish yesterday while I sat at the sewing machine looking out at the beautiful day because I have 2 baby quilts to finish by the end of the month. I also have to get started in my garden, I got it tilled and my onions out over the weekend and have potatoes to get out soon and I need to build another chicken pen mine are starting to jump out of the tupperwares I have them in in the kitchen
. So apparently I work good under pressure ? SHHHHH Don't tell my husband HEHE! I've just never been a part of a group like this and have had such a good time doing it and am soooo excited to see everyone else's blocks.
When I put mine outside I would sit in the run and just watch them they are so darn funny and yes they do get stinker. I need to clean out my big coop but waiting till I get new litter I am going to put in sand heard it is much cheaper and easier to clean.

We got a 5x5' homemade "dog pen" from my bf's brother yesterday. And took the chicks out and put them in for awhile. We had sooo much fun watching them run around like crazy. They have definately outgrown their brooder. They seemed very happy, running and flying and "chest bumping". Lol Then my bf dropped a few worms in and that was the funniest thing I've ever seen!!! Never knew I could enjoy this so much!! Got the chicken house completed yesterday!! ( Except nest boxes) Now, onto the run. This started as a simple plan, but it keeps getting more and more difficult. If we ever finish though, they shall have a mansion!! :)

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