June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

Wow after 6 days in the hospital I have a lot of catching up to do, I had 455 e-mails to go through and still reading. crazy, course lots of it was junk mail, my husband had the to care for the chickens and he said they are a lot of work
now he just appreciates me more.
OMG, what they heck? Has quilting become bad for our heath???
I'm feeling ya, girl! Once I got well, and then Julia, we've started to catch up.
I am getting nervous that I won't finish. My youngest is doing much better from her emergency appendectomy. Finally got my sweety back to work from vacation. Then my oldest had a really bad scooter accident. It was AWFUL!! Poor kid was just covered in road rash. A week later we are still bandaging the elbow she sprained. But it is no longer 3 times its normal size, and she was able to go back to school today. Now this morning I have to take my 7 month old puppy to the vet. I believe she has a blockage. Can't even hold down water. I feel sure we will have to put her down, since we couldn't possibly afford the $3000 surgery. I'm just a mess right now! :(
I am getting nervous that I won't finish. My youngest is doing much better from her emergency appendectomy. Finally got my sweety back to work from vacation. Then my oldest had a really bad scooter accident. It was AWFUL!! Poor kid was just covered in road rash. A week later we are still bandaging the elbow she sprained. But it is no longer 3 times its normal size, and she was able to go back to school today. Now this morning I have to take my 7 month old puppy to the vet. I believe she has a blockage. Can't even hold down water. I feel sure we will have to put her down, since we couldn't possibly afford the $3000 surgery. I'm just a mess right now!
I hope everything turns out ok for you keep us posted, lots of
Its Parvo!!! :( Our neighbor was moving and was just going to drop her somewhere, so we took her in, and took his word she was caught up on her vaccinations. Apparently not! So $330 later, I have special food, 3 medicines, and giving her fluids sub q at home for the next 10 days. Fingers are crossed. They said we should know in about 48 hrs if she will live. I would of course be sooo upset, but it will be absolutely devastating to the children if she doesn't!! When we get through this, I'm so ready for a vacation!!
WOW, I hope you caught it in time, but if she doesn't then least you gave her the best possible chance. remember Parvo lives in the ground a while so if you can take her to the same spot to use the bathroom and you should clean up after her and I think that you put lime down to help kill it, but you should check with your vet. It is only a disease of puppies so big dogs can't get it, but something to keep in mind if you ever get another puppy.
Its Parvo!!!
Our neighbor was moving and was just going to drop her somewhere, so we took her in, and took his word she was caught up on her vaccinations. Apparently not! So $330 later, I have special food, 3 medicines, and giving her fluids sub q at home for the next 10 days. Fingers are crossed. They said we should know in about 48 hrs if she will live. I would of course be sooo upset, but it will be absolutely devastating to the children if she doesn't!! When we get through this, I'm so ready for a vacation!!

WOW, I hope you caught it in time, but if she doesn't then least you gave her the best possible chance. remember Parvo lives in the ground a while so if you can take her to the same spot to use the bathroom and you should clean up after her and I think that you put lime down to help kill it, but you should check with your vet. It is only a disease of puppies so big dogs can't get it, but something to keep in mind if you ever get another puppy.

I nursed a dog through parvo once. In addition to all the medications, my vet told me to be sure and get yogurt (plain and unsweetened) into my dog as often as he eats... so mix some into the food. The medicine will kill off bacteria but not all, some will survive and he said it is best to have the good bacteria going in on a regular basis to help survival and recovery.

He told me to spray the ground with bleach where the dog had done his business. There were places where the bleach would foam and I figured those were the places where the germs were hiding out. I kept spraying them til they stopped foaming. Keeping your dog in one area will be helpful. Maybe you could use a square mouthed shovel and dig that area out a few inches down after your dog recovers. Then you could get some fill dirt or top soil or something to refill the area and maybe plant grass there.

Good luck.
She seems to have more energy this morning, at least she can stand on her own. She wouldn't eat the special foods they gave us, so I had to force it down last night. That was awful! Between that and the fact I keep shoving pills down her throat and stabbing her with needles for fluids, she may hate me before this is over. But that's ok!! Thanks for all the advice. Only thing, I can't spray the yard with bleach. She is an outdoor dog, on 2 acres. She has free run of it all. I have her inside now, but idk how I'll figure it out when she gets well.

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