June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

OK, this might be a little silly, but how is everyone mailing their blocks? They're too big to mail flat... folded in half in a padded envelope? Rolled, and mailed in a tube? In a Priority box, squashed in however they'll fit? Are you putting them in a Ziploc? I think only a 2-gallon Ziploc is big enough, but I can get some when I go shopping if they're needed. I'm getting ready to mail, and it just occurred to me that 12-1/2" squares are going to be difficult to fit in any average mailing envelope...
I use the red and white mailers from the PO they are not the padded ones and with a little encouragement they fit. I have not put mine in ziploc bags but that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I also fold a mailer preaddressed and stamped in the envelope. Just talk nice to them and they will fit for you.
With my blocks, being in four sections, I fold one section on one side over and another section on an adjoining side over. When I stack them, I rotate them so that all the folded areas are not on top of themselves. They fit very nicely into a one gallon zip lock bag and I use the milipac mailers at the post office.
I'll be mailing mine out first thing tomorrow!! I have them ready, and I think that Oklahoma will get a few days of good weather for the mail to get through....

I can't wait to see all of our blocks. I already have a plan for the quilt so I am excited to get them.


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