June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

Kat don't be mad at me, I have been so busy being sick, baby chickies, new puppy, husband etc..............I am almost done I will have them in the mail within the next day or two, sorry guys.

Kimmie, your're good,
I still have quite a few to receive.
Hi everyone. I wasn't in this swap due to so much baby stuff to get done in a short time but I was in the one for the one due March 1st. For some reason that site is locked so if you'll excuse me butting in....I would like to let all of the ones signed up for the March swap that my blocks finally came. They are lovely and I can't wait to get them made into a quilt top. Thank you all for such good work.
Ladies, I mailed by blocks yesterday! I can't wait to see all the greens we've picked together in a quilt. I decided to make mine into a quilit for my niece's birthday in September. She love's the show on USA called "Psych" with the two detectives that are goofy, and she loves green. I though it would be a perfect gift for her hope chest she has. Anyway, I just want to thank you in advance for your hard work in this swap!
OK, so the last block swap will be sent out today or tomarrow.

I'll be sending my blocks for this one next week I think.

Hi everyone! Whew, I've been everywhere but home for the last week, it seems. Quilt blocks are looking amazing! I found some green leaves on green fabric I'm probably going to use.
Hi everyone. I wasn't in this swap due to so much baby stuff to get done in a short time but I was in the one for the one due March 1st. For some reason that site is locked so if you'll excuse me butting in....I would like to let all of the ones signed up for the March swap that my blocks finally came. They are lovely and I can't wait to get them made into a quilt top. Thank you all for such good work.
Thanks for letting us know!! I was about to send you my blocks. Oh, and I have no idea why they site is locked, I've PMd some mod friends, and nobody seems to know. I'm still trying to get it fixed. I didn't ask them too, and I don't know why they did.

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