June 6th Merrimack NH Chicken Swap !

Oh I recognise that cage LOL whats that blue stuff poking up through the bottom?
she is definately stunning, I am not a huge Holly Lop fan but the color is outstanding.

The blue "stuff" looks like color fresh bedding?? I may be wrong:idunno
Oh I recognise that cage LOL whats that blue stuff poking up through the bottom?
she is definately stunning, I am not a huge Holly Lop fan but the color is outstanding.

The blue "stuff" looks like color fresh bedding?? I may be wrong:idunno

she is not wrong, i personally would not have picked a color, but send dd to do it and she did. is it bad?? i need so much rabbit advice , we have rabbits here but this one i want to be really really sure i am doing the right thing, second quessing myself. should she have hay? she is @ 10 weeks old

the bedding under is because we didnt have yesterdays news when we brought her home so to get me threw i used the bedding! LOL
and should her bed be full of that bedding or just at the bottom>? indoor cage i am so confused

oh and i love love love this cage, thank you gypsy going to see if i can get greg to make a safe cover thats light so the bed can hang on the outside to give her more floor space. awesome cage thank you thank you and thank your dh!!
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she is not wrong, i personally would not have picked a color, but send dd to do it and she did. is it bad??

No colored is fine, BUT! you dont need nearly as much as you have in there , its a waste of money . plus before it is used to the point of changing it will smell yucky.
you only need a 1 inch layer, just enough to cover the bottom of the pan.
personally I use a pellted (wood) based litter. oh for crying out loud I use it constantly and cant think of the name, they useit in horse stalls, it keeps smell to a minimum and absorbs to 3 times the pellet size. turns to powder and is easily compostedinto the garden.

i need so much rabbit advice , we have rabbits here but this one i want to be really really sure i am doing the right thing, second quessing myself. should she have hay? she is @ 10 weeks old
Yes a small handfull of hay daily is good for her teeth and digestion. keeps things mmoving along nicely.
hold off on sweet treats such as carrots, lettuces, melons, etc, ( although frozen watermelon rind on a hot day is extra fluid anda good cooling agent small piece not the whole slice lol)

the bedding under is because we didnt have yesterdays news when we brought her home so to get me threw i used the bedding! LOL
and should her bed be full of that bedding or just at the bottom>? indoor cage i am so confused
I answered that in the first paragraph , You can also get a corner ferret litter pan , and put it in to box train her. just put bit of her poops and a paper towel with some of her urine on it in the box and she will know that is where to go, also watch to see which corner she is using as a potty and put the box there.

oh and i love love love this cage, thank you gypsy going to see if i can get greg to make a safe cover thats light so the bed can hang on the outside to give her more floor space. awesome cage thank you thank you and thank your dh!!
I am so glad you like the cage, I know you wouldnt have been happy with the smaller one, it was designed more for whistle pigs and not for rabbits.
told hubby you said thank you and he saod that will be 49,999.95 for having to rearrange the truck because I forgot to tell him to put it in before the truck was loaded to go lol. oops.

on a lid for the nest box it wont be hard to cut one and put hindges on it to fit, the hindge holes are there and easily lined up.
just remember NO CEDAR for anything, not bedding not to chew on not for the top of the box.
cedar is toxic to bunnys, causes upper resperatory issues, weepy eyes and noses, not something you want to have to deal with.
awesome thanks, i just sent an email off to the girl i got her from suggesting a little flyer to make it easier on ding bats like me

thank you for all that info and being so helpful, even though the hollands are not your favorites!
any time you have a question please feel free to ask , I have been at this for over 20 years, there is always something new to learn every day with these guys.

I forgot one highly important thing, when buying hay(especially field baled hays) check for milk weed before buying, if there is milk weed leaves or stems do not buy that bale go somewhere else to get hay or buy the small bags feed stores offer.
milk weed is a neuro toxin , the symptoms start with the shakes, then the rabbits head will hang down, then paralisis sets in, with a very short period of time it will stop breathing as the paralisis creeps up, it will start with the back legs and creep forward.
You can actually see it progress. scarey if you have not seen it before. scarey still when you have seen it before, there is so little that can be done to neutralize the toxin.
any time you have a question please feel free to ask , I have been at this for over 20 years, there is always something new to learn every day with these guys.

I forgot one highly important thing, when buying hay(especially field baled hays) check for milk weed before buying, if there is milk weed leaves or stems do not buy that bale go somewhere else to get hay or buy the small bags feed stores offer.
milk weed is a neuro toxin , the symptoms start with the shakes, then the rabbits head will hang down, then paralisis sets in, with a very short period of time it will stop breathing as the paralisis creeps up, it will start with the back legs and creep forward.
You can actually see it progress. scarey if you have not seen it before. scarey still when you have seen it before, there is so little that can be done to neutralize the toxin.

i just gave her hay, i dont have a clue, would it be safer to buy the hay at walmart for her????!!! OMG the stress.
i have some really green hay from 1 place, and i have the reg hay, but i have not seen milk pods but i really havent been looking. good info to have, thanks again!!
I think you will do just fine with the bunny

Don't worry so much or your going to drive yourself crazy
( then again.... to late for that

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