June Hatch-A-Long! (Blue Ameraucanas for me!)

Day 10 today candled last night 8 infertile 2 early quitters and 2 cracked(I must of missed it when i set my incubator)I had one cracked one growing so I glued it the read to use nail polish so did that too if it grows yahh if not oh well. So I am down to 30 eggs. Strangly most of my unfertile eggs were from leg horns is that common?
Day 20...and one of my EE's has pipped! :celebrate:wee

I was upstairs working and I heard som LOUD peeping! I thought it was my 3 & 4 week old littles. I come down to see what is going on and find that all of the 3 & 4 week olds are on their roosting bars snoozing. I walk over to the incubator and not only did the chick that I saw a pip on this morning hatch but another one had hatched too!!! 2 of 8 have hatched!! :celebrate:wee:ya:woot
Day 22 with 6 duck eggs I rescued. Have no idea what I'm doing. They have been in an upright position in the incubator (due to detached air cells)and just today moved to side laying with the side that has the lowest air sac part facing up. Temp is at 100 still air little giant. Humidity is 50-60
I am pleased to report that of what I set, I have:
12/12 white polish
3/5 choc/cuckoo orps *2 shells kind of dark & I'm not positive about
3/3 isbars
3/4 JL CL with 1 clear

I have 2 incubators going...the brinsea mini is on its maiden voyage. I'm just really excited to be out of the uncertain phase and getting into the watchful place. Now need to fill in my hatching spreadsheets and dork out on my data!!

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