June Hatch-A-Long! (Blue Ameraucanas for me!)

I was upstairs working and I heard som LOUD peeping! I thought it was my 3 & 4 week old littles. I come down to see what is going on and find that all of the 3 & 4 week olds are on their roosting bars snoozing. I walk over to the incubator and not only did the chick that I saw a pip on this morning hatch but another one had hatched too!!! 2 of 8 have hatched!! :celebrate:wee:ya:woot

Here are the two littles that hatched yesterday! I'm 99% sure that is all I'm getting from these shipped eggs...but I'll leave them in for a couple of days.
I have been working at a camp all week so haven't been able to candle. They are supposed to go in lockdown tomorrow. Hopefully they are doing good. My showgirl adore decided a month was long enough between hatches and is sitting on 4 eggs.

Love seeing the cute chick pics!
So today is day 3 for my goose eggs. I wiped the dirty one but didn't want to wash the bloom off. I hope it's not too dirty?!?! Never done geese so it's all new. I found an article here on temp, humidity and so on.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
I have 10 Ayam Cemani eggs due to hatch on June 19th. I have had them all in the incubator since Memorial day but have moved two eggs under my broody silkie today after I moved her to my nursery coop. I plan to add the rest slowly as it gets closer to hatch day so that she will be able to be a momma to them, thus making it easier for me to raise them. ;) I should have planned it a little better. Of course they will hatch the weekend that I'm working! :barnie

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