June Hatch a Long


The lone baby that hatched on it's own. Sadly the one's I assisted died. Within 24 hours. So, I hunted and hunted for a local source for friends. And low and behold about 2 towns over someone hatched out about 50 on the same day and was desperate to rehome some!
The lone baby that hatched on it's own. Sadly the one's I assisted died. Within 24 hours. So, I hunted and hunted for a local source for friends. And low and behold about 2 towns over someone hatched out about 50 on the same day and was desperate to rehome some!
That's great! We have one lone chick from our first broody hatch and even though it's the house chicken I know it's still lonely for it's kind. It often falls asleep next to the kitchen range after staring at its reflection for a while.
First pip of the batch! It's a little ahead of schedule, but I can see baby pushing nice and strong. And now I won't get anything done for the rest of the weekend.
My weekend is shot too. My BF offered to fix the mower, so I headed back inside to obsess over the bator. Three pips since lunch, but not much progress. Keep hoping to watch a zip.

The lone baby that hatched on it's own. Sadly the one's I assisted died. Within 24 hours. So, I hunted and hunted for a local source for friends. And low and behold about 2 towns over someone hatched out about 50 on the same day and was desperate to rehome some!

I am so glad it is working out!
That is one super cute yellow chick! :)

How did you find the other person? Craig's list or BYC?
I have 2 silkie babies now too! They will probably be blues since the roo is blue splash. Let's see if I can get a pic to post...

Ok nope not tonight. :(
Worked on the new cabinet incubator today. It should be able to handle 160 eggs in turners, more if I hand turn. It will have 2 hatching drawers, 2 doors on front with plexiglass windows, and the top with plexiglass where you can watch the chicks hatch in the drawers.

So far the cost in $0. Going tomorrow to pick up insulation and plexiglass
I should get off my lazy duff and get some pics but my phone is almost dead and I getting a headache. Worked on garden today so I was able to not be glued to bators every 5 mins. WLH (Shipped) are hatching good. Think up to 8-9 of 14 that made lockdown. Couple/few BR not yet pipped/hatched. 1 is clear missed on LD. Keets I lost count so far. But brooder is getting really packed.
Will have to go do a count soon and check eggs again. Think I need more brooder space though
Ok I went and counted, what has hatched

5 Sex Links All male (1 G/S 4 Black)
4 WL (1 DIS 1/2 zipped but died)
3 BA
2 BR

No partidge in a pair tree though. But 20 keets hatched and more pipping. 4-5 are either mostly buff or less than 50% chipmunky. So 75% pearl grays and possibly 25% pearl whites. 23 left unpipped. Almost to 50% and these are the eggs we found on accident and suffered thru frost rain and everything else. And somehow my days were off so they "are" due Tues, not Mon so they started 4 days early. But most are super peppy so no ill effects I can see yet.

Just checked calender. And after this batch have until next Saturday before things get popping again. Wow didn't realize I was gonna let myself relax this much before July. More time to get aquainted with the babies before the next batch. And build more brooder space LOL. Wanna set up something more waterproof for the ducklings I hope are coming.

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