June Hatch-A-Long

Glad the one you helped made it!

We have two pips on our second batch of eggs, they went into lock down yesterday.

X's were incubated in a brinsea, day 19, o's are on day 24, not sure they will be hatching...
its been fun reading this thread ! I started out with 11 Wheaten Marans and 4 Blue Copper Marans 2 Rumpless Arauacna and 1 Arauacna X Game Bantum. 11 Days in candled and only 4 Wheatens were good. I 'm in WA state and I ordered from GA.. All had started but 7 stopped. the 2 Arauacna were not fertile. On June 4 my little Game Batum X hatched. Then next day one of my Blue Coppers and 2 more piped . They needed help this morning. Sadly the other 3 Wheaten Eggs are doing nothing. Yesterday was the official hatch date. My friend and I are candling them today to see what is going on. This is my first time hatching eggs. Feeling sad and happy.
Well might still be a chance to help them if they are still alive.

They were all dead :( one was super huge, one was tiny, probably passed a while ago. We did get four healthy chicks from that incubation, our very first try with eight eggs.

We have some pips from the second batch of eggs, 20 in there. Day 19 starts tonight.
4 pips out of my batch of 17 eggs. Today is day 19. Most of mine usually hatch on day 20 so maybe maybe I'll have some more chick's here soon. Now to figure out where to put them. Lol
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You think day Olds can go in with 3 week old chicks? Probably not... that's what I was afraid of. If anyone has had luck putting chick's with older chick's let me know
Is it bad for a chick to pip on the side opposite the air sac? I marked an x at the lowest point of the sac, but a couple chicks have pipped on the opposite and/or bottom of the shell.
I locked down a combo of guineas, BLRWs and a few of my free range mix today. When I opened the bator to remove the racks I heard lots if peeping. I had several guineas internally pipped and one externally pipped at the wrong end. Now I have 3 more guinea eggs externally pipped! The chickens haven't even internally pipped yet! Looks like I better get the brooder ready!

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