June Hatch-A-Long

Serenity Lane

Mar 21, 2013
New York
Hi Everybody! I haven't hatched chicks since my batch last summer. Today I set 48 mixed eggs in my incubator, expected hatch date is 6/1/14.
Here's my story.. Last night I came home from work and went out to check on my animals. There were no chickens to be found. There were some feathers outside the coop so I knew that something had gotten to them. I was hoping that some of my flock were just hiding but that wasn't the case. My fiancé walked back to where the foxes den is on the back of our property and he found the bodies of my lavender Orpington and my mixed rooster in the tunnel leading to the fox den. I'm sure the foxes got all 16 of my outside chickens. My only chicken left is Fred, my silver sebright who lost his feet to frostbite this past winter so he lives in my house.
This morning when I accepted the fact that my chickens are gone, I decided to set some eggs from my gang. I got a bit overzealous and set 48 eggs, as many as my incubator will hold. My last hatch rate was 100% with about 25% being roos. While I'd like a decent hatch, I don't need 48 chickens! I set eggs that were collected in the past week so I'm not sure if my hatch rate will be quite as high as last time.
And the countdown begins.. HERE WE GO!!
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Twenty-one chicks so far.
Our first June babies. 20 eggs to go. 8 pipped tonight!

I wonder how much poo would be on my daughter if I pile 20 chicks on her.....

bahaha, booty.

I love this one's "mascara" lol

Mom calls this one "Sweet Cheeks" it's the most active/friendly.

and the 3rd babe.
Can I join? I just got an incubator so I haven't hatched anything yet..

On 5/11 I set 35 eggs. I am replacing the old hens that are now soup chickens.
Anyway I have a mix of them in there. My Rooster is a Black Australorp. My Hens are Black Australop, Black Sex Links and White Leghorns.

Since this is my first time I would be happy if I can get one egg to hatch.

There the attitude more people need when starting I think. I said that 1st run around and was telling wife "If I hatch just 1 (Had 48 eggs set) I didn't fail". She turned all kinds colors, but I explained better and she calmed down. If I learn or have 1 bird from a hatch its not a failure to me.
You guys!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a forming, swimming, hearbeating chick in one of my eggs!!!!!!!! I candled it today (day 6) and there it was! It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I am over the moon excited! I have 2 other eggs that have pulsing veins but didn't see an obvious embryo when I took a quick peek and was too nervous to do it for very long. Oh goodness, I am just so happy! :-D

SOOOO happy for you gonzochick!!
here's looking forward to a really wonderful June hatching for us all!! heheh you say you just want a "couple" of chickens for pets? . . . . if you haven't watched this already you MUST watch . . . . made me laugh so hard tears ran down my le . . . ummm face ;)

- The Hazards of Backyard Chickens
My DH has a ridiculously expensive tactical light on one of his high dollar guns and I take it off and use it to candle when he's not home lol! He has a couple of nice LED flashlights that work well too, but the tactical light is so light and small I can't resist

Thanks for the reminder, as I forgot all about those. Now I don't have to wait until he gets off duty.
Store them in a cool place with the wide end up. Rotate them a couple times a day until you set them. I like to use a basement closet because my temps in there stay about 65 degrees. I stick the eggs in cartons with the wide ends up and then elevate one side of the carton in the morning then go in at bedtime and switch the elevated side. Good luck!

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