June Hatch-A-Long

I set 82 eggs in two incubators, they are on day 14 today. I just candled them all and pulled 16 that were either clears or blood rings. They are all my eggs from my girls and roo. He's a barred rock, the girls are black sex links, barred rock and dominques. My "babies" are all different ages now, from 3 1/2 months, to 4 weeks. They are all such a variety! I'm amazed at all the colors. From black and barred to black, black with orange, to black with white neck lacing, to white with black neck lacing, to barred, to black with gold/yellow/orange/white/blue/green splashes.... Incredible!

I can't wait to see what happens next!

Although most of these I'm hatching next week are sold already... but to friends so I'll be able to see them grow up. So fun to see them grow up.

I also just acquired 5 black jersey giants and 4 partridge colored "silkies" that I don't believe are silkies. But they are adorable.

My husband caught the incubator cord and jerked the top off. The incubator seems to be okay, which is good, but an egg was cracked. The internal membrane is ok. Since they were already disturbed I candled, and the cracked egg has definite veining and a teeny tiny jellybean embryo at only 3 1/2 days in. So early on would you try sealing it with candlewax, or would you just scrap that egg?

I marked the eggs L, E, G, H, O, R and N.
H and O were the only ones with no veining or chickie-bean. I wasn't going to check until day 5- should I wait until then and check again, or if there is no sign yet should I scrap them and try some of the leftovers? Thoughts are appreciated.
Today was my day 7 candling. I have 6/6 of my Polish/EE mix, and 11/18 of my shipped Tolbunts developing. One of the 11 is iffy, but so far so good.
My husband caught the incubator cord and jerked the top off. The incubator seems to be okay, which is good, but an egg was cracked. The internal membrane is ok. Since they were already disturbed I candled, and the cracked egg has definite veining and a teeny tiny jellybean embryo at only 3 1/2 days in. So early on would you try sealing it with candlewax, or would you just scrap that egg?

I marked the eggs L, E, G, H, O, R and N.
H and O were the only ones with no veining or chickie-bean. I wasn't going to check until day 5- should I wait until then and check again, or if there is no sign yet should I scrap them and try some of the leftovers? Thoughts are appreciated.
Use candlewax or a crayon. I would leave the H and O in the incubator until day for another 2 days. Most likely they aren't fertile or developing but they could also be a day or two behind the others. Could be where they are located in the incubator is a degree or two cooler causing the delay. Thing is you never know, better safe than sorry.
Our first June babies. 20 eggs to go. 8 pipped tonight!

I wonder how much poo would be on my daughter if I pile 20 chicks on her.....

bahaha, booty.

I love this one's "mascara" lol

Mom calls this one "Sweet Cheeks" it's the most active/friendly.

and the 3rd babe.
You think day Olds can go in with 3 week old chicks? Probably not... that's what I was afraid of. If anyone has had luck putting chick's with older chick's let me know
I will put older chicks, say 8-10 weeks in with younger, like 6-7 weeks IF there are MORE of the younger ones! I am putting together two 8 week -ld chicks with six six week-old chicks on Monday. Safety in numbers for the younger chicks!

I've got more in there now. Some are RIRs . Buff Orpington , silver laced wynadottes . Naked Neck and Black tailed buff Japanese bantam. Those are the hens.
Possible roosters RIR. Red Cochin . Mille fleur d'Uccle . Black tail buff/Serema
The rooster with the Naked Neck are separated, but anyway the rooster is splash Cochin. They are due near the end of June ...
Use candlewax or a crayon. I would leave the H and O in the incubator until day for another 2 days. Most likely they aren't fertile or developing but they could also be a day or two behind the others. Could be where they are located in the incubator is a degree or two cooler causing the delay. Thing is you never know, better safe than sorry.
Ok- I'd put some wax on it while I waited for opinions about trying to salvage. I'll wait a few more days on H and O and look again.
My new chicks. All born at 19 days 6/04/2014.
Splash Silkie. Needs a name

My sizzles. Has a look-a-like. This one is Priscilla (Prissy for short) The look-a-like's name is Tipsy.

This is my OE. Needs a name.

My other look-a-likes. These are Part Am. Not sure if they are going to be EEs or OEs.

This is Silver my other part Am.

This is Vanilla another part Am. Solid white/yellow besides light grey dot on head.

My last baby. Part Am though maybe a pure Am. Idk.

Thought that might tide a few of you over until your babies hatch! :)

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