June Hatch-A-Long

paper..those are looking good!!

Here are a few photos, mostly of one that cracks me up it has so much muff. And it isn't even all the way dry when I took the photos. The black one wasn't all the way dry either, but also has a huge amount of fluff around the neck. Gottal love those EE's.

First chick out! I think it's a black ameraucana but it could lighten once it dries and it's a blue. :ya
paper..those are looking good!! Here are a few photos, mostly of one that cracks me up it has so much muff. And it isn't even all the way dry when I took the photos. The black one wasn't all the way dry either, but also has a huge amount of fluff around the neck. Gottal love those EE's.
those are some super super bearded babies
Monday I'm picking up 24 quail eggs...I'm so eggcited! Probably be the last bit I'll hatch for awhile until some more hens start laying. I'm tired of not having any eggs to eat. I've got 18 I'm going to set tonight or tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll have 20...so maybe I'll wait until tomorrow...I've got 20 something that go into lockdown the 22nd. And then maybe 2 that go into lockdown 2 days later...2/18.
. They were shipped and not doing well at all, but my other shipped eggs are doing great
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One pipped on the wrong end. I've read a bunch on here and I'm paralyzed with indecision. I can do nothing. I can open the incubator (which I don't want to do) and prop the air cell end up. Or I can assist the hatch at some point (when?). It's only day 19 too. Wonder why they're hatching so early?
I'm glad I sealed those eggs with wax and gave them another shot, both are still moving on day 14. Keep cooking, little chickies! Man, these little things have so far survived shipping, refrigeration, being sold as your standard cooking/baking eggs, being cracked early on AND over-heating. If they hatch out, they will be instant favorites, lol.
I'm glad I sealed those eggs with wax and gave them another shot, both are still moving on day 14. Keep cooking, little chickies! Man, these little things have so far survived shipping, refrigeration, being sold as your standard cooking/baking eggs, being cracked early on AND over-heating. If they hatch out, they will be instant favorites, lol.

Wow, they've been through so much already! Quick thinking with the wax (I'll have to remember that one!).
Fingers crossed that these little troopers hatch for you!

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