Just adopted a deployed Hero

I added to my previous post.

I also wanted to add that things do get shared so send several of the same item.

My husband has a crowd that follows him to get his mail...he opens it there and if there's more than one of something or he doesn't want it or need it, he'll throw it in the air. He doesn't like tootsie rolls and someone had send him a big bag so that was tossed in the air.

A friend of mine submitted his name for quilts for troops and he was sent 5...he kept one and threw the others up in the air....he says it gets as crazy as a bunch of single woman trying to catch the bouqet at a wedding. (not exactly his words...i just used that as an analogy so you could get a mental picture.)

oh...and i guess i should send him a pillow because he doesn't have one of those either...he says he uses his coat all balled up but i keep forgetting.

I received several of these packages while deployed (different program though) and they can mean the world to people. Some guys/gals receive no mail or anything and these packages can mean a lot to them. I help out w/packages being sent overseas still till this day...These guys/gals sacrafice a lot more these days than in recent history.........
Thank you so much for your service! And I couldn't agree more, although I'd like to add that their families go through a lot as well.
Well I just sent out my first letter to my adopted soldier. And have sent out emails to family and friends to start collecting things for me to send to him and his pals. I think I will start making a bunch of crocheted toys for them to hand out to the kids too. Chrissum thank you for all you have done for us. You are a wonderful person for what you have done and are still doing for others.

Maplesky7 if you every need anything all you need to do is let us know.

If either of you knows of someone who doesn't recieve mail or packages please let me know, as I am a stay at home mom and my kids are going back to school and I won't have much to do around here and have a lot of time on my hands and would not mind writing a few letters to those who could use them. Mawchickkidie
I'm so glad to see this thread taking off. I sent out 2 postcards today to my adopted heroes. Postcards have always been a big hit with all the heroes I've written to over the years.

Halloween will be here before we know it. I'm going to make treat bags for my heroes to hand out. The dollar stores have 20 halloween treat bags for $1. I'll fill the bags with candy and treat and send a box of them for each of my soldiers.

At Christmas time in the past I have filled out Xmas cards and included an Angel Penny in each card. Then sent them to whomever I have adopted at the time to hand out to those who need some extra Xmas Spirit.

I get the coins off ebay for every cheap. Here's an example. You don't have to send Angels. I've sent hearts and doves. These have been a HUGE favorite and I've received many letters thanking me for them. It's especially heartwarming to hear how some put them on their chain with their dog tags, others carry them in their pockets on missions.

I'd like to add that their families go through a lot as well.

So very true. They are the backbone of the family! Especially while deployed, they (mom or dad) fill the role as both parents, god love em' and give them strength!​
I always enjoyed getting packages while i was over there! especially state side cigarattes lol! so fresh!! the best thing though when you get a package and your away from your "other family", is that it reminds you that people are still thinking, caring, and suporting you! and that really means a lot to us!! especially through hard times when you dont think no one cares or supports anything you do! I think the best thing i recieved while i was over there was no bake cookies, even though when i recieved it, it was nothing but crumbles but i ate myself sick off of it because it was SOOO good lol!!! and remember when you send one soldier something, more than likely you are making more than just that soldier happy, your making a lot of them happy!
and remember when you send one soldier something, more than likely you are making more than just that soldier happy, your making a lot of them happy!

Yeah, nothing like sharing care packages w/450 of your closest friends! But I would'nt want it any other way! They are our family-away-from-our-family!​
A hugh thank you to those of you posting that have already served. I know you hear this time and time again, but THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you. I know those are small words, but they are coming from the very bottom of my heart. Also thank you to your families and friends who served behind you from home.

edited to notice that ya'll are from MY MISSOURI. Whoo hoo. Born and raised near Springfield.
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