Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

Not hard at all. You are far quicker than a day old gosling.
I am the first one to tell beginning hatchers to keep their hands off and the bator closed. I am experienced and know that nature takes time.

With all the reading I have done and information I could glean from those who have hatched goose eggs I feel like pipping the shell and getting air to the goslings is a far better chance at a life than sitting back and waiting to find they suffocated during the night.

Based on the results of the hatch last week where one gosling was alive and well and internally pipped but the next day it was dead and the inner membrane was wrapped around it tight like shrink wrap. I am not willing to wait until too late and loose these in the same manner. At least now these have a chance to breath.

Leslie, I appreciate your knowledge and advice.

Keep sending good hatching vibes ya'll.
Not that I've ever hatched goose eggs before, but from everything that you have described I think you did the right thing by helping them get started. Good luck little ones and hope you get some rest tonight Miss Prissy.
Not hard at all. You are far quicker than a day old gosling.

Ha you havnt spent 10 min trying to hunt down wandering goslings then ha ha ha. Those little suckers can be fast. Crystal
All was quiet this morning. I stood over the bator and whistled to see if the 2 goslings moved. They did! They made it through the night.

I whistled more.

The baby moved and struggled.


Long whistles.


Stronger movements.


More long low whistling.


It pushed right out of the shell and broke the membrane surrounding it.


1 down. 2 to go.

It's a brown chinese. Hahaha!

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