Just checked out the election results...

Well now we have both parties controling the congress 50/50 .

Love to see term limits , just like the President.....

Trouble with the new elect , they will be blackball if they don't follow party line.......
Just another cycle of the perpetual stalemate. I personally don;t give a care about the federal elections as the states are where the changes need to start. They're the only ones to have the power to stand up against the bloat that is Washington.

Although we elect them they are controlled by special interests from the left and the right. Neither party will ever be willing to make the hard decisions to get this country back on track because hard decisions (harsh cuts to SS, Medicare, defense, etc...) equate to election losses during the next cycle.

I vote but I'd be deluding myself if I thought that it really matters.
Keep on dreaming. The spending isn't going to stop. Look at historical spending from the party of NO. Historically the party of NO runs the debt up and cuts taxes, particularly for the wealthy. The party of common sense usually spends less and gets the deficit down. This time around the mess that George left was just too big to clean up in 2 years.

They outspent the dems 5 to 1 and only gained 60 seats. 30 of those seats should have never been held by a dem in the 1st place. The pubs now hold all the rural areas in the country. The funny part is that those are the areas that will get hit the hardest by their scorched earth policies.

All the producers of major staples. Milk, eggs, butter, cocoa, cheese, wheat, sugar, coffee all came out today and announced that they will no longer be able to keep prices at a reasonable level. Government subsidies are going to be cut and food will be going up a lot. Farmers will not be able to get the extra money to run their farms. America will become a non entity in farming as well as manufacturing. Yep the world is turning flat.

Oh by the way. Be sure to tell me when you get that big tax cut because they are cutting the farm bill.
Is this sarcastic? I am lost, LOL! I would be scared to death to live in California right now.

He's probably referring to the fact that they were able to defeat another wacko that had no qualifications except a ton of money. They also kept a good Senator.
Keep on dreaming. The spending isn't going to stop. Look at historical spending from the party of NO. Historically the party of NO runs the debt up and cuts taxes, particularly for the wealthy. The party of common sense usually spends less and gets the deficit down. This time around the mess that George left was just too big to clean up in 2 years.

They outspent the dems 5 to 1 and only gained 60 seats. 30 of those seats should have never been held by a dem in the 1st place. The pubs now hold all the rural areas in the country. The funny part is that those are the areas that will get hit the hardest by their scorched earth policies.

All the producers of major staples. Milk, eggs, butter, cocoa, cheese, wheat, sugar, coffee all came out today and announced that they will no longer be able to keep prices at a reasonable level. Government subsidies are going to be cut and food will be going up a lot. Farmers will not be able to get the extra money to run their farms. America will become a non entity in farming as well as manufacturing. Yep the world is turning flat.
Oh by the way. Be sure to tell me when you get that big tax cut because they are cutting the farm bill.

True about Republican spending; they're mostly hypocrites. However... You're saying we should keep corporate welfare? And I always though cocoa, coffee, and sugar grew a lot better in South American/Caribbean countries. If there weren't protectionist tariffs making South American and Caribbean sugar too expensive, the cost of sugar would go down. If we killed farm subsidies, they would actually have to produce enough to meet demand, rather than get cash they aren't earning.

As for the Dems cutting the deficit...
In light of the past four years, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from you. Also, party of common sense?! "Hmmm... I GOT IT! Let's take cash OUT of the economy, then put it back into the economy and tax it as it passes through! That should work!" (Note: Bush DID request the first bailout; I'm just pointing out that the Dems have just as much of a lack of sense as the Republicans.)
Keep on dreaming. The spending isn't going to stop. Look at historical spending from the party of NO. Historically the party of NO runs the debt up and cuts taxes, particularly for the wealthy. The party of common sense usually spends less and gets the deficit down. This time around the mess that George left was just too big to clean up in 2 years.

They outspent the dems 5 to 1 and only gained 60 seats. 30 of those seats should have never been held by a dem in the 1st place. The pubs now hold all the rural areas in the country. The funny part is that those are the areas that will get hit the hardest by their scorched earth policies.

All the producers of major staples. Milk, eggs, butter, cocoa, cheese, wheat, sugar, coffee all came out today and announced that they will no longer be able to keep prices at a reasonable level. Government subsidies are going to be cut and food will be going up a lot. Farmers will not be able to get the extra money to run their farms. America will become a non entity in farming as well as manufacturing. Yep the world is turning flat.
Oh by the way. Be sure to tell me when you get that big tax cut because they are cutting the farm bill.

True about Republican spending; they're mostly hypocrites. However... You're saying we should keep corporate welfare? And I always though cocoa, coffee, and sugar grew a lot better in South American/Caribbean countries. If there weren't protectionist tariffs making South American and Caribbean sugar too expensive, the cost of sugar would go down. If we killed farm subsidies, they would actually have to produce enough to meet demand, rather than get cash they aren't earning.

As for the Dems cutting the deficit...
In light of the past four years, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from you. Also, party of common sense?! "Hmmm... I GOT IT! Let's take cash OUT of the economy, then put it back into the economy and tax it as it passes through! That should work!" (Note: Bush DID request the first bailout; I'm just pointing out that the Dems have just as much of a lack of sense as the Republicans.)

I'm not going to argue with you about the deficit spending Q. The stimulus was to get some jobs created which it did. The health care plan is actually deficit neutral and will save a substantial amount of money over the next 20 years.

If we kill farm subsidies all it will do is raise prices for the end consumer. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that our farmers were not producing enough. That must be the reason for the bread lines I see everywhere. Our government subsidizes a lot of our food industry which is why we have affordable food. If they have tariffs on sugar that's great. It's not like sugar is something we need here real badly. Besides they should have steep tariffs on ALL imported goods. That might bring some jobs back to America. Then this thread wouldn't even be a topic.

In a civilized country people take care of each other. If you don't have family or church then the burden falls on the government.

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