Just cocks no hens. Is hubbys car safe?


8 Years
Feb 3, 2015
So, I have two year old peacocks, both Males. I love them. They are free range on our property here in East Sussex, UK.
We are surrounded by really tall oak, ash and lime trees and they roost up in these at night and fly up into them if they get spooked by the dogs etc. They come down during the day and just ponce about looking looking handsome and flirting with the chickens.
My husband has just bought a brand new, very dark coloured porsche which he keeps clean and parks about 30 meters from the pea's breakfast area. The parking area isnt under the trees so his car isnt going to get poohed on and they dont stand on the cars but some stirring git told him that my boys are going to ruin his car by attacking their reflection in its paintwork.
So, is this inevitable? Seeing as there are no females here or nearby, will my boys actually care about their reflection?
Hubby will kill them if they attack his car. There will be no debate.
Help. He is threatening it now and they just looked at his car is all.
He doesn't want to cover his car, or at least uncover it when he wants to use it. He likes it shiny and clean and he has to park it near the electric charger plug so wont move it further away. But honestly, I feel like he's making a fuss about something that might not even happen.
So, I have two year old peacocks, both Males. I love them. They are free range on our property here in East Sussex, UK.
We are surrounded by really tall oak, ash and lime trees and they roost up in these at night and fly up into them if they get spooked by the dogs etc. They come down during the day and just ponce about looking looking handsome and flirting with the chickens.
My husband has just bought a brand new, very dark coloured porsche which he keeps clean and parks about 30 meters from the pea's breakfast area. The parking area isnt under the trees so his car isnt going to get poohed on and they dont stand on the cars but some stirring git told him that my boys are going to ruin his car by attacking their reflection in its paintwork.
So, is this inevitable? Seeing as there are no females here or nearby, will my boys actually care about their reflection?
Hubby will kill them if they attack his car. There will be no debate.
Help. He is threatening it now and they just looked at his car is all.
I doubt the peacocks will "attack" the car, I have heard of turkeys doing it though.
The only thing I might be concerned about is them flying up and perching on the car. Their nails are sharp and they could scratch the top.
If there are plenty of other things to perch on they will probably leave it alone. When ours were free ranging they would perch on the hay baler or the tractor sometimes at night.
I think its highly unlikely they would perch on the car as its literally the lowest thing in the garden apart from the ground. They perch on the shed and in the surrounding trees which are towering above the house and cars.
Does anyone have just make peacocks and if so, do they even get fighty in spring if there are no females around?
A handy man was going around looking for odd jobs, he went to a fancy neighborhood to ask around. One man who was wealthy but stingy, asked the handy man... "How much to paint the porch?" The handy man said "About $50." The stingy man smiled, and thought, "this guy doesn't realize, my porch goes all the way around the house." He showed the handy man where the supplies were, and went inside, about 20 min. later the handyman knocked on the door, "I am done." The stingy man wondered how he could be done that fast, and the handy man spoke up, " by the way you don't have a Porsch you have a Ferrari."

As far as your husband goes, I think it would be better to pen in your "boys". Good fences make good neighbors. I would do that rather then, get lectured after about scratched up cars.
My free range peacocks love to sit atop cars. I'm not sure why as there are many trees and other things to choose for a perch. As a result, we often have to clean their droppings off the vehicles, however, they have never attacked their reflection! I also have large arena mirrors. They love to perch on the fence and stare at themselves in the mirror, however, they have never attacked their reflection in the mirrors either.

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