Just curious what actually works best on poultry lice?

Lice like to hide in little cracks around the coop, so I would dust the perimeter and maybe the roosts/nests if they look like they need it.

However, I never use dust on my birds because it is too much of a pain. I use Adam's flea spray, it works great and is easy to apply. Just spray under the wings, around the vent (be careful not to get it IN the vent though), and under the wattles if you feel any lice/eggs there. The only thing to be careful about is separate the roosters for a few hours from the hens after spraying. Breeding while the hens still have spray on their vent may cause sterility in the rooster (I've never had this problem, but I have heard of it happening).
Thank you all for the wonderful advice
hi i used diatom earth to get rid of mites and cleaning out the hutch with jays fluid it works and i use it every month through the summer to keep them free from any bugs, it does work.
i wont use sevin because i dont want cancer or any problems with my reproductive organs- so i asked my vet and i was told to buy gardstar poultry dust from TSC - same price as sevin but much much safer for us humans and animals too.
I dusted once and that was all i needed so far. Im waiting for any nits to hatch so i can dust again but its been 2 weeks and nothing so far.
plus it was safe enough to use on a day old chick

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