Just curious who else is living super frugal

We went with solar heat and solar domestic hot water. We were building at the time so we chose that instead of a furnace. Saves a ton of money. You can also heat sheds and rooms with a pop can solar furnace you can build for about $20 to supplement heat. It would be a great homeschool project for the kids!
I just saw the video on the solar pop can furnace. Neat, isn't it. I love youtube. You find such interesting gadgets.
I'll be getting parts to build me a grow bed light with stand. Even I can do it.
All I have ever seen is Gold Bond.... No um.... its something Gold.... Can you tell I dont bake?


That brand evades me...

I actually don't know if we save money by baking our own bread...in fact, it might cost more but we both love homemade bread and we enjoy making it. I use my granny's biscuit recipe just about every Sunday morning, with buttermilk and also butter for shortening. They are big and fluffy ...just right to help toward thrombosis with whole-hog sausage gravy to bring on atherosclerosis. Um, um good.

ETS: Gold Metal...it just came to me!!!

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I live in Indiana and work in a large supermarket and have never heard of the Hudson brand, and have not seen it in thje store I've worked at for over 20 years or in competitor's stores, I have seen the King Aurthor, but not that variety. I think Hudson must either be regional specialty or a store brand, and have an idea that the Author variety is just not in my region of the country.

I live in Indiana and work in a large supermarket and have never heard of the Hudson brand, and have not seen it in thje store I've worked at for over 20 years or in competitor's stores, I have seen the King Aurthor, but not that variety. I think Hudson must either be regional specialty or a store brand, and have an idea that the Author variety is just not in my region of the country.

I've seen it and used it.... http://www.staffordcountyflourmills.com/finder.taf
I use my granny's biscuit recipe just about every Sunday morning, with buttermilk and also butter for shortening. They are big and fluffy ...just right to help toward thrombosis with whole-hog sausage gravy to bring on atherosclerosis. Um, um good.

ETS: Gold Metal...it just came to me!!!

Please, can you share your granny's biscuit recipe? If it's one of those top secret/family only things, I understand but if you can pass it along, my husband & my belly would be soooo grateful!

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