Just curious who else is living super frugal

OH GAWd....
I have four shots of espresso for breakfast every day. Thats about eight ounces then I top it off with another eight ounces of half N Half.... And three sweet N lows.

This is how I broke myself from a three pot a day habit of coffee drinking.

To be honest I cant drink a cup of regular coffee any more I get the palpatations and racing and sleeplessness. But espresso doesnt seeem to effect me and keeps the migranes away...

Caffeine is a vasodilator, so is supposed to help with head aches.  I am very caffeine sensitive, but not as much since passing through menopause.  I do one cup of coffee in the AM, but  won't even have iced tea after mid afternoon, even though it is my favorite drink.  

I use 2/3 de calf and 1/3 regular tea for my iced tea brew. Then I put it in a glass with ice fill it 3/4s full and add a little bottled citrus green tea. I drink it all day long. No head aches. I use a Stevia based sweetener. And yes I am no youngster anymore. My brother still brews very strong 100 % caffeinated tea....I can't drink it any longer. Makes me hyper and. Keeps me awake at night. :ya
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OH GAWd....  :oops:     I have four shots of espresso for breakfast every day.  Thats about eight ounces then I top it off with another eight ounces of half N Half....  And three sweet N lows.

This is how I broke myself from a three pot a day habit of coffee drinking.

To be honest I cant drink a cup of regular coffee any more I get the palpatations and racing and sleeplessness.  But espresso doesnt seeem to effect me and keeps the migranes away...


Somewhere I read an article about different coffee and their caffeine levels.
The source sited that espresso has the least bit of caffeine as the roasting process is supposedly burning it out.
Blonde or lightly roasted coffee beans have the most.
Has anyone else heard this?
Several years ago I had quite the addiction to M&M's...at least a pound a day. All the sugar and chocolate was making me jittery and wasn't doing my face or figure any favors. I went to a hypnotist. Cured my M&M's addiction, but it also cured my coffee drinking. I used to drink three cups in the morning (needed to be considered human) and sometimes a diet Pepsi in the afternoon. Now I can barely drink a cup and most days it's just half a cup. I drink carrot juice at lunch and have no need for the afternoon soda.

Just a suggestion for those of you wanting to cut back on caffeine.....
So, are you all saying that green tea has no caffeine?  And that it's great for ADD?  I can't wrap my head around the taste of it, but perhaps I'll give it an other go, with a lot of
honey, some mint, and perhaps a bit of lemon.  I'm having huge issues with sleep, or lack of it.  And if anyone did
an ADD profile on me, I'm guessing that i'd come out at the top of the spectrum.  You'd ought to see how i do housework!  And gardening/farming is a perfect occupation for someone with ADD.  you can go in a thousand different directions at once, and still convince yourself that you're being productive.

While going out to plant some herbs this morning, i went into the coop to inspect the nest box... empty.  From there, I walked the perimeter of the electric fence, and found a few Japanese beetles in a raspberry bush.  Other folks nightmare offensive garden pest is my "OH boy, free protein for the chooks!"  So it was back into the house to set up the 2 beetle traps I bought last week, back out to hang them, back in to find an ammonia bottle to make a hand held trap, out to the shop to cut the top off the cap, and cut the bottle into a scoop shape, back in to get a zip lock and screw it to the bottom of the ammonia bottle scoop with the topless cap, and grab a fly swatter, then back out for 2 slow trips around the yard and garden, wacking beetles into the bottle.  Found that the lettuce was dry, had to water it, added some potato beetles to the Jap trap, dumped it into a water bowl several times so the chooks could bob for beetles.  They won't touch a potato beetle, or anything that feeds on potato leaves.  It's now 11:30.  I think i should go out and plant those herbs!!

I have always just called this multi- tasking!
Several years ago I had quite the addiction to M&M's...at least a pound a day. All the sugar and chocolate was making me jittery and wasn't doing my face or figure any favors. I went to a hypnotist. Cured my M&M's addiction, but it also cured my coffee drinking. I used to drink three cups in the morning (needed to be considered human) and sometimes a diet Pepsi in the afternoon. Now I can barely drink a cup and most days it's just half a cup. I drink carrot juice at lunch and have no need for the afternoon soda.

Just a suggestion for those of you wanting to cut back on caffeine.....
I have wondered if hypnosis works-- now I beleive!

Many of our food choices are actually driven by addiction . . . took me years to wrap my head around THAT one. I pay attention if my body says " go eat more of______". I ask myself, is it that I enjoyed the taste and would like more of that enjoyment or has this food triggered a craving? Both need to be managed but the later can lead to a full out binge I cant control.

I would like a hipnosis session to cure my trigger foods!! lol
Quote: IF , and that is a big IF, I drink coffee, it is decafinated, unless I bought a bag on sale, than I'l buy anything chea. BUt I usually make cowboy coffee: pour grinds in a pot and fill will water, and boil until I get back to it.

Not sure if that much boiling does anything to the caffiene, but that pot usually lasts a few days as I dont chug coffee anymore, it is just a pleasurable drink now.

Citrus green tea??? What stores carry this??????
Wonderful morning to you all. The girls are out foraging in the woods and having a marvelous time. I gathered the eggs, set them on the lawn while checking the garden. Had to jump back over the garden fence when Mr. Honking BIG Roo Who Wakes Us Up AT 4:15 AM and is Destined For Freezer Camp came over to check those eggs with his beak. So, they went into my pocket while I went back into the garden and scouted out some tiny little spaces to plant those herbs. Also planted some Dahlia seedlings that would have been destroyed by the girls if I planted them in the flower garden. All those plants safely tucked in and mulched, potato bugs picked, and eggs arrived safely in the kitchen! Planning to burn a brush pile tonight, then I can attack the bind weed there (at that old garden site, with raised beds) and turn it into more lawn for hubby's mowing pleasure.
Glad to see I am not the only one still planting!!

Still need to plant the lavender etc. though I have given purchasing some bulk herbs some thought to. I really hate the idea of puting my comforters in plastic bags for the summer, so perhaps some herbs to kep the bugs out and the MICE out!!

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