Just curious who else is living super frugal

I forgot to mention for those who live in Texas and close to Stryk Jersey Farm they sell milk for $5.50 if you pick it up. It's self serve when no one is at home, believe it or not, you write down what you buy, leave your money in the metal box and then get your milk out of the big freezer. We didn't know that the first time we drove there (long drive, too) and drove home with no milk. I emailed them when we got home since no one answered the phone either when there and the next day I got a reply informing me of the self service.
I have two of these in my coop. I put them near the window so they can charge during the day. They don't get a full charge, which is perfect because they only run about 3 hours after the sun goes down. Enough to extend the day so the chickens keep laying, but not enough to disrupt their sleep cycle by being on most of the night.

I only had a window on one side of the coop, so on the other side I cut a small hole, the same size as the solar panel on the light, and fixed it so the panel fills the hole, which blocks most breeze and anything from getting in through the hole.
Those are great to keep charged for emergency lighting in your home, too. Just don't put them in the ground, keep them in a bucket or vase on a table out in the sun.

I have power to my coop so I have two small night lights that come on after dark when the timer cuts off the main light it activates the night lights.
Hey! I'm NOT supposed to be sick, I'm supposed to be in recovery. maybe semantics to some, but big difference here. I'm in remission, darn it!

and yeah, I'd love to outrun a relapse
. Maybe I could run all the way to Maine
I forgot to mention for those who live in Texas and close to Stryk Jersey Farm they sell milk for $5.50 if you pick it up. It's self serve when no one is at home, believe it or not, you write down what you buy, leave your money in the metal box and then get your milk out of the big freezer. We didn't know that the first time we drove there (long drive, too) and drove home with no milk. I emailed them when we got home since no one answered the phone either when there and the next day I got a reply informing me of the self service.

We have 2 in the area. The closest is about 5 minutes up the road. Only open Friday and Saturday, noon to 4. Milk is $4/half gallon. They have goat and cow, but have recently sold off most of the cows. They sell ground beef, produce in season, kefir, yogurt and home canned and baked goods. The other is probably 40 minutes away. I think raw milk is $5 or $5.50/gallon. They are also self serve 24/7. They have cheese from Wisconsin and meat from a butcher. They are a much bigger dairy and sell pasturized milk commercially too. They have someone growing produce with hydroponics, baked goods and canned goods. Since they milk so many cows, they sell cream separately, without taking it off the raw milk.
I'm sorry Rachel I didn't mean "the big L" sick. I was referring to all the recovery icky sick stuff. I was the same way though. I remember working on my jeep during the 100 days I had to stay around the hospital.
That is awesome. So worth it. I didn't know many other people did raw milk. I am stoked you all do it. At first I was afraid of it yesterday when I took my 1st sip. And blown away by the yellow color. Beautiful and thick. I am still on the fence about buying into the cow cuz it's so expensive. I may just instead buy it from the little store that houses it for them on a limited basis every once in a while. $64 a mo is alot of money for me.

Just checked the links you provided. Very nice.
You can get it here and there and use it when you are drinking and not mixing into other things. It was a treat for me. I was a bit afraid of it too.. lol. The Amish said if you drink it you need to leave it uncovered in the jar for 24 hours to "let the cow out". If you did not let it breathe it would have a bovine type odor that was not what you would want to drink. i loved it and pretty much drank it myself as I am the big milk drinker in the house. I live alone and go through 2 gallons a week.
I never left mine uncovered. I used the big glass wide mouth jars and the plastic screw on lids. No odor, nothing but creamy goodness.

Frugal things today.....how about finishing up previously abandoned crochet projects? I've decided no new yarn until some of my old projects are finished. So, money not spent.

Made more fire starters. We use old egg cartons stuffed with dryer lint, and then pour melted wax on top. Break off 1-2 of those and you can get a fire lit easily. the cartons and lint are free. The wax is usually from candles I buy for the scent. I use them as what I call my Redneck Scentsy. Instead of one of those plug in warmers, I just put the candle on the wood stove, in the glass container it comes in. The heat from the stove melts the wax and releases the scent. Some candles give off scent for a good month or more doing this, some not so much. The spent wax is used for firestarters and the glass containers either re used or recycled.

found a great sale on ground beef--8lbs for $12. bought 2 packs. Thawed out 8lbs ground pork, sounds like I'm making meatballs tomorrow. I'll brown the rest of the burger and use it for tacos, casserole, etc.
You can get it here and there and use it when you are drinking and not mixing into other things. It was a treat for me. I was a bit afraid of it too.. lol. The Amish said if you drink it you need to leave it uncovered in the jar for 24 hours to  "let the cow out".  If you did not let it breathe it would have a bovine type odor that was not what you would want to drink. i loved it and pretty much drank it myself as I am the big milk drinker in the house. I live alone and go through 2 gallons a week.
Sherol, thank you. That is the way I am gonna do it. Drink it here and there. I live alone too and as I said before, consume 2 gal a week. I never thought about leaving it open for the 1st 24. Hmmmm. Next time I get some, I'll sip it first and see then go from there.
My frugal thing of the day is...I just went over and worked on my neighbors plow truck.
For Couple hours here and there keeping his truck running he plows the road.
That would cost me hundreds of dollars per winter.
I supply the tools and knowledge...he plows....good deal.....Phil
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