Just curious who else is living super frugal

Every time I stick something in the freezer, or pull something out, I am sure to point out the benefit to hubby. I've only had the thing for a couple of weeks, and have already put quite a bit of food into it. slowly weeding stuff out of the fridge/freezer, and emptying the small chest freezer which will become a stock feed storage.
sorry if this came out as a rant i just think hunting is a great way to produce good healthy meat at a fair price (or cheap if you can hunt close to where you live.)

No rant perceived. I'd love to be a hunter. Several barriers: need to take a hunter safety course, and a bit paranoid about being in the woods with a lot of other folks traipsing around with loaded guns.
No rant perceived. I'd love to be a hunter. Several barriers: need to take a hunter safety course, and a bit paranoid about being in the woods with a lot of other folks traipsing around with loaded guns.
i really enjoyed my hunter safety course (and the fire arm safety) very interesting mostly common sense but here in Canada they also do wildness survival (was in my course more just basic supplies to carry and reading compasses) i don't really worry about other hunters (for the most part we hunt on private land either friends or my grandparents who own 480 acres of farm land) but i think its a real valid concern you have there. i would hate to be in the woods with hundreds of other hunters. after a few deer.
Orchard going in. Grafting some of the trees myself--a learning process. All bought at sale prices.

looked at cutting down a 50 foot swath along drive to put in sugar maples---then found website that detailed tapping birches. NOT cutting down tappable birches to put in the maples that wont be ready for 25 years.
Putting in fruit trees, selecting those on sale. Bought black berries, buying 6 dropped the price per plant. Strawbwerries pay for themselves in one season if planting day neutral types.

Buying better qualiity meats, butter and fruit/veg. More often organic or grassfed.
Yup, times are tough for my family. There are 6 of us, and it would be hard to make ends meet even if we were middle class. I feel fortunate that we have a place to live, utilities, transportation, clothes that aren't too ratty, and food on the table, so I'm not complaining. We take freebies where we can get them, even if it's from someone's curb, and we shop thrift when we need something we can't get for free, or make ourselves. Curb shopping is actually fun, I'm often surprised at people's definition of trash. We don't have much debt, because we never buy with credit. We grow veggies to help with the food bill, as a package of seeds nearly always produces more than what we spend on them. We are poor, but blessed at the same time.
Yup, times are tough for my family. There are 6 of us, and it would be hard to make ends meet even if we were middle class. I feel fortunate that we have a place to live, utilities, transportation, clothes that aren't too ratty, and food on the table, so I'm not complaining. We take freebies where we can get them, even if it's from someone's curb, and we shop thrift when we need something we can't get for free, or make ourselves. Curb shopping is actually fun, I'm often surprised at people's definition of trash. We don't have much debt, because we never buy with credit. We grow veggies to help with the food bill, as a package of seeds nearly always produces more than what we spend on them. We are poor, but blessed at the same time.

You, my friend are not poor. You are rich! Because you have one of the greatest riches of all: contentment. It's the person who possesses wealth, but is always grasping for more who is TRULY POOR.

Having lots of money does not teach the same lessons that very little money does.

I never buy clothes full price. Often Sources are free clothes. Just getting shoes are an issue but now that my kids have bigger feet than me, I buy them the new shoes and I take the old shoes.

I live in an area different than where I grew up-- money is God; and the bigger the house, the better. A track of land across the street has been leveled to put in 54ish ENOURMOUS houses. IF I was rich, a big house is not where I would put my money.

WHen DH and I bought our property years ago, it was all about the land. Now, that feeling is 100x stronger. I look at the small barns and see an option for the kids if they want to move out of the house and have more private time away from Mom and Dad.

I see birch trees that I just learned I can tap. TO NOT cut them down to plant sugar maples, that need 25 years of growth before first harvest.

Basically I just changed my thinking. ANd try to push away the "Im less than you are" thinking and I hold on to that God loves me just as much, if Im allowed to say that.

I try to be thankful, which is hard sometimes, but when I remeber to think aobut the good things, my spirits lift.

Today I see activity at the cedar tree. I have been waiting for the robins to set up house. THough concerned that they will abandon their nest of many years due to storm damage to the tree causing it to list. Juncos are flitting around, looks like it is repairing or altering the robin nest.... guess the tree will stay for one more year despite the damage.

Most people that would come to my house would only see the listing tree and think poorly of us; I see a home for the junco.
God loves me just as much, if Im allowed to say that.

I try to be thankful, which is hard sometimes, but when I remeber to think aobut the good things, my spirits lift.

Today I see activity at the cedar tree. I have been waiting for the robins to set up house. THough concerned that they will abandon their nest of many years due to storm damage to the tree causing it to list. Juncos are flitting around, looks like it is repairing or altering the robin nest.... guess the tree will stay for one more year despite the damage.

Most people that would come to my house would only see the listing tree and think poorly of us; I see a home for the junco.

Arielle, your post has brought a smile to my face. Yes, God loves you so very much. May the day never come when we are not allowed to proclaim God's love publicly. I am a beloved daughter of the King of the universe. A greatful and thankful heart is the secret to true peace and happiness, in spite of external circumstances.

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