Just curious who else is living super frugal

Well, that all sounds normal to me (or like me, I should say
). I could not see spending $185.00 a week (that's $740.00 a month) on groceries for our family of four. I am not sure where they came up with that average for a family of four.
Food is the one thing I refuse to compromise on any more, we still spend about $120 a week for a family of four. Mostly from the outside of the store-very little packaged food. We cut back on internet, got rid of cable, reduced our cell phone plan, and completely gave up our entertainment budget, all since I lost my job last year. Our budget is so tight, I had to start selling plasma to get the money for materials to build my coop. One good thing to come from this, is I gave up my daily 20 oz mocha-latte, and instead learned to brew with a French Press(oh my gawd the coffee is so much better in a French Press!).
Everybody is hit hard, and we are all changing our lifestyles. For the better, I think. As a society, I think we were far to wasteful, to extravagant, to indulgent. And now that things are picking up again, I am once again seeing more SUV's on the road. Blech.
I know way too many who are rebelling against the economy. I hear stuff like " whats the point of being married if we can't afford to go on a vacation together" or " the kids really cannot survive without their own cell phones." I know of one couple right now that is close to divorce because they cannot be happy together if they can't spend like they used to. They are both complaining that they only took 2 vacations this year and one was just to see the grandparents. Its killing them not hiring someone to watch their 4 kids for 2 weeks and flying off on a vacation they cannot afford. Last time they just charged it, now everything is maxed out and they can't and their marriage is in serious trouble. I just don't understand it.

I am actually feeling better about our finances since the economy tanked. It forced us to cut the fat and save and actually build some security. This is so much less stressful. Don't get me wrong its a bit hard right now because we are still working on getting to that happy secure place but still this is actually sustainable for us. The old life style was not. Much less stressful I still think.

I sorta agree on the food. We have cut our grocery budget but have mostly done so by eating much heathier and growing our own veggies and poultry. Instead of going out to eat I will splurge now on a super nice cut of meat and make a great dinner. I have definitely had to bring my A game to the kitchen.
Money is never about the money.

It's about what money MEANS to you. YOu need to figure out for yourself what money means to you. If it means something different to your spouse you're going to have problems. For some reason no one asks us to discuss this so we don't really consider what it means to us until the excess or lack of it causes problems.

Let me give you an example. To me having money means having security. It means having options if things go wrong. If I have money I can keep from ending up at the mercy of other people. ----- This means I save. I really viscerally need for the mortgage to be paid. I need money in the bank way more than I need a nice car or even a vacation. That is practical and many people say that's how they feel, but in their hearts they are not the same.

My friend needs money to have freedom. She needs to be able to run away if things get bad. So if she gets fired she goes on vacation! I would be terrified to spend money when I wasn't sure when more would be coming in. She needs to run away and relax and regroup. It really works for her. I would be miserable on such a vacation. She would be miserable if she was told she was "not allowed" to go.

Some people need money to get the things that make them feel better about themselves, to show other people that they have achieved something or are worth something. "See this object is great so I must be too." I have some of this which obviously struggles with the first part! I want that fancy car and cool stuff. I am a good consumer, well trained in the art of want.

Fortunately for me, my need for security is stronger. Fortunately for me my husband and I share the same views so the fight is rarely over what bills get paid first! LOL!

This couple's marriage may have been based on what the stuff provided them, without the stuff one or both of them don't know who they are.
That is what overspending is about.....
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Money is never about the money.

It's about what money MEANS to you. YOu need to figure out for yourself what money means to you. If it means something different to your spouse you're going to have problems. For some reason no one asks us to discuss this so we don't really consider what it means to us until the excess or lack of it causes problems.

Let me give you an example. To me having money means having security. It means having options if things go wrong. If I have money I can keep from ending up at the mercy of other people. ----- This means I save. I really viscerally need for the mortgage to be paid. I need money in the bank way more than I need a nice car or even a vacation. That is practical and many people say that's how they feel, but in their hearts they are not the same.

My friend needs money to have freedom. She needs to be able to run away if things get bad. So if she gets fired she goes on vacation! I would be terrified to spend money when I wasn't sure when more would be coming in. She needs to run away and relax and regroup. It really works for her. I would be miserable on such a vacation. She would be miserable if she was told she was "not allowed" to go.

Some people need money to get the things that make them feel better about themselves, to show other people that they have achieved something or are worth something. "See this object is great so I must be too." I have some of this which obviously struggles with the first part! I want that fancy car and cool stuff. I am a good consumer, well trained in the art of want.

Fortunately for me, my need for security is stronger. Fortunately for me my husband and I share the same views so the fight is rarely over what bills get paid first! LOL!

This couple's marriage may have been based on what the stuff provided them, without the stuff one or both of them don't know who they are.
That is what overspending is about.....

and sometimes money is just about getting the bills paid, being able to have the fuel to drive to work to make that little amount of money to pay the bills, and then 3 weeks of worry because you have $0 in the bank and don't know what to do.

it is about not crying in the checkout because you can't afford dogfood. it is about not crying everytime you tell your son I am sorry we just don't have the money to go to the zoo, or sorry I can't buy you a fishing pole and mommy can't even afford a fishing liscense. sometimes it just is what it is.​
I am actually feeling better about our finances since the economy tanked. It forced us to cut the fat and save and actually build some security.

We didn't cut the fat from our budget........we cut the carbs
I refuse to (unless I had to) scrimp on food, we buy as much organic and grass fed as we can afford. We drive an SUV and it gets close to 28 on the HWY miles, just saying not all are bad
and sometimes money is just about getting the bills paid, being able to have the fuel to drive to work to make that little amount of money to pay the bills, and then 3 weeks of worry because you have $0 in the bank and don't know what to do.

it is about not crying in the checkout because you can't afford dogfood. it is about not crying everytime you tell your son I am sorry we just don't have the money to go to the zoo, or sorry I can't buy you a fishing pole and mommy can't even afford a fishing liscense. sometimes it just is what it is.

No, you're proving the point, not refuting it.

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