Just curious who else is living super frugal

There is no such thing as flunking if you haven't given up. Just keep trying as you are. It may take a while but it will all be worth it in the end. We are behind you 110%. You can do it.
Our local Amish stores sell sugar in 50lb bags. I put it in Those rubbermaid tubs like you can buy at walmart. We don't have a basement but we do have high humidity here.

I find that the Amish store prices are cheaper than the big warehouse stores. But maybe that is just my area.
I want to make my own soap but have no idea how. I've been saving my grease because I wanted to do lye soap. Anyone have a good recipe for laundry and body soap?
I do alot of baking ie scones, muffins, breakfast cakes, and birthday cakes. I love to bake and every other week I bake a breakfast treat for the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic. Everyone enjoys it, including the parents
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Oh, I see. I do very little baking our household has weight, blood sugar and gluten issues. If I didn't splurge on the occasional no bake cookies it would definately take more then a year to go through the 5 lbs of sugar.

How do you keep ants out in just a plastic bin/tub?
I haven't had any problems with ants yet (knock on wood) but a friend does and she puts weather stripping (the kind with an adhesive backing) along the edges to make it seal better.

We use to have more weight issues when we bought pre-packaged foods, now that I cook everything from REAL ingredients are all very healthy. Eating a ton of chemicals and preservatives will eventually cause problems.
Chicmom and In His Service,

WE support you.....keep plugging away. This is the thread to read to stay enouraged.
One of these days reluctant family members will realize your wisdom, and thank you for showing them the way.
Reward Yourself

I had tried for so long to quit smoking, I thought I would never be able to do it. Then, I thought, if I quit, I shall save so much, so every time I didn't smoke, I put the money in a jar. After 6 months, I had over $300! (I finally stopped doing it, but have been smoke free for over 5 years)

You could do it with anything really. Give up paper towels, and everytime you use cloth, put a penny or a nickel in a jar. Pretty soon you will have quite a stash. Each time you do something homemade, instead of bought, put the difference in a jar. Challenge your family to do the same. See who can get the most in six months. It can be fun, and you could end up with quite a bit for paying off credit cards, or whatever.

You can do it!

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