Just feeding chickens scratch feed & cracked corn.

At 16 weeks I switch them to a 7 grain 22% protein scratch until they are 20 weeks old. I think if you give them a decent scratch mixed with crushed up alfalfa cubes their saddle feathers become shiny. They seem to do really good on it, and as layers I feed them the same scratch mixed with layer pellets.
As stated it depends on the make up of the "Scratch Grain".
Scratch Grain can be any grain or grain mix pitched on the ground to promote scratching of the ground.
I feed a 17% pigeon feed (all grain) as a "Scratch" it has 10 grains/ seeds in it.

Popcorn, Whole Milo, Canadian Peas, Whole Wheat, Maple Peas, Austrian Peas, Oat Groats.
To above mix I add Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, Linseed (flax) and Hemp Seeds.

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Definitely need to feed a complete layer ration. It is only marginally more than scratch grain or cracked corn. eating only corn/grain? that would be like us trying to survive on cornbread, bugs, and beer. They will produce much better on a complete feed .
We do just a mix of feed. It works for us. Our birds lay daily during the spring/summer/fall, and are healthy.

We use 50lbs scratch grain, 50 lbs blue seal layer pellets, a few scoops of BOSS and a few scoops of corn. Our birds also free range, and have access to any of the fun stuff they can find outside. They free range from first thing in the morning when the barn is opened up until dusk when they come back inside. They also get any of the feed our younger horse decides to nose out of her feeder in the hopes she'll find something better at the bottom of her bucket.
Peas are not cereal grains, though, they're legumes. They have a different amino acid profile than grains, when you're looking at trying to feed protein to chickens. Sunflower seeds also have a different nutrient profile than cereal grains. What you are feeding is good, but I wouldn't call it scratch and it isn't anything like what is marketed as scratch. What you're feeding is very similar to a complete feed for chickens, if you look at the ingredients. It just isn't ground up.
i feed my hens cracked corn like 2 sometimes 3 times a day in the winter on really cold days they have alittle trough i built for them to put treats in i givem around 4 to 5 dixie cups full of cracked corn to them so they all have enoghf to snack on that helps them create energy inside of them to stay warm in the coop during the winter:thumbsup
if they free range than scratch is fine, in the summer and spring months when they have plenty of bugs and greens to eat.

In the 'old days' they fed the chickens a lot more than scratch, in the summer they free ranged and in the winter they lived in the barn with deep litter hay that attracted bugs etc for them to eat, essentially making a free range environment in the safe warm indoors.

Besides the scratch that is fed today is not what was fed then, if you open a bag of Purina scratch grains it is almost all corn with barely any oats, millet etc.

I buy grains separate and mix them, so mine do live on only scratch and table scarps.
I just feed my free range birds corn and wheat and scraps and my birds in pens get a layer mash 20% protien mixed with wheat and corn.
mine are in molt and not laying anyway so they are getting cracked corn
and a little dry cat food , and table scraps until spring , after feeding layer for 1½ months without an egg ,
and with cracked corn being 3.50 a bag less it was simple math for me .

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