Aww very cute! And congrats. What breed are they? Mine are going on lockdown tomorrow! xD So excited!

Oh your right I did not say that the chicks were Molten Houdan chicks
Aww they are very sweet. I've never heard that breed before. I think I'm gonna research it. Might be a fun breed to have. :) What's your opinion?
Aww they are very sweet. I've never heard that breed before. I think I'm gonna research it. Might be a fun breed to have.
What's your opinion?

This Molted Houdan is 10 weeks old

Pop on the left and Mom on the right

Most of them go to older women as the hens are so mellow or as the lady's say the hens are so sweet and easily turned into lap pets also most of the older ladys I sell them to locally allow the hens to lay the eggs in the house ..

The roosters on the other hand tend to be a bit aggressive but will still allow the owner to pick them up as if they were little dogs ...
Thanks for showing me. :) You know I could use some of those in my flock, I have been looking for some polish chickens, these might be the ones. I know I won't be able to order them from my local feed store, where did you get yours? :)
Eggs are going on lockdown! Now I have to set up the chicks brooder, heat lamp, waterer, and food. Woo. :rolleyes:
Hi all im on my third batch now dew to hatch in 13 days i put 42 eggs in candled 3 days ago and have 34 eggs with growing embryos but something even more amazing is ive 34 eggs but 35 embryos yes a double yolker something i never heard of on till now ill put some pictures up soon all tho i never expected the weather to get cold so quick but well struggle on Haha
Glad you joined us! Wow that's awesome! It's rare to have double yokers. I've watched videos on people assisting twin embryos hatching, so If you need any help for when they hatch I can tell you, or you can watch the video on YouTube to help you, it's really good. :)
Glad you joined us! Wow that's awesome! It's rare to have double yokers. I've watched videos on people assisting twin embryos hatching, so If you need any help for when they hatch I can tell you, or you can watch the video on YouTube to help you,
it's really good. :)

Thank you i wouldnt have put it in if id of known but ill chance it now that its gone so far
This is my second hatch in the month my first was 96% and it was in a new incubator so was pleased. the second has been a roller coaster ride. We have had high temps 30 - 40*C temperature in incubator has been up .1 of a degree but the humidity has been all over the place. I have it in a foam base and a doona and sheet folded in 4 on top to try to regulate it a bit better. Might have to build me an insulated area to accommodate my incubator and also a fridge that keeps the eggs from beginning before the incubator is ready..... all a learning curve.

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