Ok! Look at what I woke up to this morning!


The dark egg looks like it's already started the zipping process, what do you guys think? I need help I haven't seen any improvement.
Hi, I'm kinda late joining but I have 7 silkie eggs in my incubator now, I started with 9 but two didn't develope, I have what I call the 1st set which is two sikie eggs I put in a week before, that are due to hatch on thanksgiving , then I have set 2 that are due 12/3, these eggs came from my white silkie pair. The hen silkie hatched two chicks early this year and both are beautiful and great quality, really looking forward to these eggs hatching
Welcome were glad you joined us, and your not late, this is for the entire month of November so your perfectly fine. Oh I love silkies! When they hatch you have to post tones of pics.! Silkies are my favs. I love them to death! :lol:
Thanks ,I know silkies are just to cute ! Hopefully when spring comes I'll have alot more silkie eggs to hatch , but right now I only have one laying hen who usually lays every other day depending. But I do her have her two chicks (one a boy one a girl)so I'm keeping the girl and I also have a black pullet around the same age as the girl , so next spring I might have more silkies then anything
it's so addicting , and I will try to get as many pictures as possible
They hatched! :D I only had two in the incubator though. One eneded up belonging to my other rooster, so one is a barred rock, and the other is a golden laced Wyandotte. Not sure on names yet, will get back to everyone with updates. ;) Here they are.





Definitely! I wasn't very pleased about the price either, but since I have it I think it's worth every penny. Its hatch rates are outstanding! Every time I do a hatch I get all of the eggs to hatch except one that usually never forms. Plus you can set it and forget it, it's very quit compared to other incubators, and it's awesome because you can see the whole hatch with its round plastic window all the way around.
Well the set 1 of two eggs didn't hatch , one didn't move at all but the other was moving and a shaking but never pipped.
but I still have 5 more left that are due this Thursday I'm hoping g for atleast 2 or 3 to hatch
. I just can't wait till spring then I'll have more eggs to work with !!

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