Just found out I have one Roo, do I have two

Ummm making a rooster sounding chicken noise. Not quite a cockadoodle doo...haha, but sorta trying to sound like that. Oops my daughter just informed me she is not a cochin she is a bantam barred rock.
HE is a Barred Rock Bantam. I'll see if I can get some pics of my little ones that are that age so you can see the difference in pullet and cockerel.

Here's the little rooster on the left and the hen on the right. The rooster is lighter, has a large red comb, and his tail is rounder and shorter.


Here's the little rooster on the left and the hen on the right. The rooster is lighter, has a large red comb, and his tail is rounder and shorter.

Thank You Juliechick. Wow that really looks like our Baby/Lizzy. Soon to be renamed to Mr. Bingley. We didn't really want roosters for all the usual reasons, can you give me a little info on their personalities? I see you have many of this type of chicken, so Im sure you have lots of info. Thanks for any help you can give.
Sure! The roosters I have had have been pretty tame. They usually don't enjoy being handled, but they will calm down when in hand. None have been mean. The girls are pretty much the same.

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