Just got my FIRST egg!!!!!!

paula and her chicks

In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 11, 2010
Thousand Oaks Calif.
Yup that's right just got my very first egg and she's a beauty! Little and light brown,don't know who laid it but it's a keeper! Am going to blow the yoke out and keep this first one! My chicks are 6 mos. old today and I have some at 5mos.1 week old. 25 in all so I hope to be getting lots of eggs soon!
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I know it's like a present!! And I'm getting twelve a day now! But I still thank the hen who layed it evertime I get one!

I sent out a mass e-mail to friends and family...with pics, of course! How silly are we chicken people?! Every day I get I an egg, it puts a smile on my face. Chickens...the perfect pet!
Yeah!!!! So exciting!!!

I still only have on laying, and wasn't sure who it was, same situation 2 dozen birds. I narrowed it down by red combs and wattles, and who was hanging in the nest box. Today I picked up my first guess, and checked out her vent. I never had chickens before and wasn't sure if I'd be able to tell, but it was pretty obvious that she had a productive looking vent. For comparison, I looked at another pullet and the difference was pretty obvious. Layer= bigger, moister vent. Non-layer=dry, tightwad vent.

Congratulations again!!!
Lucky you! I'm very jealous. I have 9 chickens ranging in age from 4.5 to 7 months and I think they're all under the impression that this is just a free hotel I'm running here. The oldest girls are my 2 Polish and a Blue Andalusian. The Mottled Houdan, Orpington and Australorp are next followed by the Coochin, Brahma and Russian Orloff. A few supposedly good layers in there but I'll believe it when I see it!!!! There are cobwebs in my nesting box
Just got my first egg too. I was so happy! Saw the other comment on checking vents to see which one it was and naturally had to check. I only have three RIR's so it wasn't too dificult. My largest hen seems to have a larger vent. I'm guessing it was her.
LOL I'm so silly...just went out and checked combs and wattles and we have a winner. What a difference! I'll try and post some pics later.

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