Just got them into the run, what should I do ne

Unless you had other caged, large predator food before, you might notice them more, and in the day, seeing as how now you have caged, large predator food in your yard!

Looks better with the shade!

So I did make a run out tonight and bought some grit. However all I could find was high calcium grit, which I've read isn't good for young birds. I bought it anyways and did offer it to them in the cap, but they haven't touched it yet. I will make a trip to the actual feed store tomorrow and make to get some regular chick grit for them.

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Very cute run..:frow
Oyster shell shouldn't be used until the birds begin laying eggs. Even a bowl of driveway dirt and small rocks will suffice.
I am getting ready to build another run (chicken math!) and would be delighted to have one that looks as good as yours.

After a fatal mink attack, I am a diehard fan of hardware cloth. I am so wary now that when I am not home, I won't even leave the birds out in their hardware-cloth runs; everybody goes back in the coop.

I do have a chicken-wire tractor that I use for a hen who REFUSES to come into her coop at night, but I figure she is just as safe in it as all the others who free-range during the day while I am home and checking out the windows repeatedly. Keeping watch during the day and keeping them secured at night as worked for me.

Good luck with your flock and keep us posted!
Unless you had other caged, large predator food before, you might notice them more, and in the day, seeing as how now you have caged, large predator food in your yard!

Looks better with the shade!


I have two very small dogs that run around the yard unleashed and they could easily be a meal for even small predators, so hopefully anything that is out there has already shown itself. Still I will be very watchful for the first weeks.

Is your coop finished?
Would love to see what you come up with for that. You seam pretty handy.
You say you will end up with 3 hens and a rooster.
Also i love your truck in your avitor. 1972? Ford.

Thanks, that is a 1977 F150 I saw at a car show, I used to own one just like it. Now I have a 1995 F150.

I haven't gotten to building the coop yet, I'm hoping to utilize the holiday weekend to have it done. I have some plans in my head, but they may change as I actually start construction. I guess most people would consider me pretty handy, I have restored a few cars and have a lot of experience with tools and machinery.

I did manage to purchase some chick grit as well as a bigger waterer and a bigger feeder from tractor supply today.

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