Just hatched chick has wierd locomotion

I questioned her about her credentials not to challenge her knowledge in front of others, but only to assure myself she has some semblance of training or research to back up her information, which, incidentally, conflicts with other info out there, which is just as reliable. I try to conduct research, and to do this, I ask questions. I regret those questions may be taken the wrong way.

This forum is free and open, which means there are going to be trained professionals posting on here as well as amateurs. I was simply wondering if Diana was a trained professional. I do not doubt she is competent. I'm a man (male pea brain species) which means when I ask a question there's no hidden "2nd question" meaning. I'm not smart enough to imbed a hidden meaning! Remember, I'm a man

Unfortunately, words in print cannot convey tone. I realize my tone sounded arrogant and condescending, but I REALLY really really really really didn't mean to come off that way. I literally sat and reflected for many minutes how to phrase my question without offending. But I obviously failed. I did NOT mean to offend Diana, but see how/why she got offended.

I'm new to the board and regret having stirred some folks ire. I'm actually a nice guy, when ya get to know me. Hope there's no permanent damage.

Let it be known that Diana's thoughts and words got me to reflect deeper on how I was "stimulating" my birds. For example, my birds are off the sugar water, now. I had them on an electrolyte, small concentration for about 2-3 days, now they're off that and drinking plain water. So, I think this should validate her.
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You're right I had not been to the EZ board. I regret that I've irritated you just to get that tidbit of information. I'm ignorant (not to be confused with stupid) and misinformed, which is why I asked you those questions.

Another poster on this blog (an indifferent 3rd party) wrote me a seperate email, and defended you in a very kind and tactful way. This person defended you by saying: "She (you) IS very knowledgeable, works with some chicken vet here in the states on some stuff, (and has a column in a mag there, I think) and her main usefulness is that she collects links to websites with chicken advice and has them on her website, which she posts with all her posts, I think. She did help me save one of my (birds)..."

There's no ill will I meant behind my question, honest! But I realize how others can read a tone, which I didn't intend. And I did not intend to challenge your knowledge, I just wondered if it was relevant to my situation (although I see that was the result).

I'll tell you what I told Kris. I'm a man, ...yep, what many women might call insensitive and a little Neanderthal in approach. I'm also a military man, I know I'm a little brutish at times. Privately I find little time to be nicey nice, I find problems and I want solutions, ...now, or soldiers get killed. That's my nature, I guess. Insensitive? probably. But I don't plot to be insensitive, at all. I'm not smart enough to plot! I think, problem = find solution.

That's all I was really looking for, and again was not trying to offend at all. I apologize my prose was rather clumsy. Thank you for what you do, your research and advice. It provoked in me a lot of thought of "if it ain't broke, don't FIX it." which I think is your point. Which I find wisdom in. So I HAVE taken your advice and I think my birds are better off for it. I hope I haven't permanently damaged our relationship. I may "call" on you again?
I understand what you mean about the conflicting information and it is a source of aggravation to me too. Which is why I have very many articles seemingly dealing with the same thing yet if you examine each carefully you will see they each add their own piece to the puzzle of whatever the subject is you are reading on. I have also come across seemingly conflicting information and chosen that wihich the had the most (veterinary) support to back it up . If you are pretty sure that dehydration/shock/stress is not an issue (because if it is then you need to give electroytes) then I can understand you might dribble some sugar water a few times to get them "started" and enough (temporary ) energy to get themselves to water and feed to drink . I was just concerned because you said you said this was their sole source of water for the first three days as standard practice (or so I understood) and though they might not seemingly show any ill effects, the particular warning on sugar was in a veterinary "manual " for avian anethesiology and in the section on drugs and other miscellaneous incl. Osmoregulation/rehydration she specifically addressed the practice of giving sucrose (sugar water) and explained how sometimes (note I said sometimes) it caused the birds system to "crash" >her exact word... (I did not post this manual to my board as it was extremely specialized info mainly dealing with anethesiology) but do have the link "somewhere" lol...it supported several other similar "tidbits/warnings" I had read here and there about the sugar water practice (in excess or unwarranted) as being potentially dangerous in certain situations...I just wanted to pass that on. My recent readings on the most recent findings reporting in the poultry professional literature (see recent abstracts in POULTRY SCIENCE and WATTS poultry publications for instance) all report recent findings as to how very important water and feed the first 24 hours are to the longterm health of the bird, etc. and these sources are just great for keeping up to date on the most recent findings (some of which contradicts older info). Diana
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Love and peace is breaking out all over!
Your stock has just gone up in my portfolio, given what you've just written above. I appreciate the research you've done for people like me who don't like to take the necessary time to READ.

I tend to put too much stock into what hatcheries write in print. Perhaps I'd be better served to ponder what you've dilligently sought on numerous other sources.

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