Just hatched


7 Years
Nov 22, 2012
With the cool of the season my wife Ruth & I are moving in a few weeks to a farmhouse in Georgia. It is in a rather remote location and sits on an acre adjacent to a paved road. It has a small barn on it and it was my thought that perhaps attaching a small coop to it would allow the wife and I to harvest a few eggs over a few day. We don't use eggs every day. Having a few chickens is just one way to have some friendly critters around that give the both of us something to do daily. I found this website on Goggle and thought it was great that those who keep chickens learning from each other. I figure over the next month we can learn a hospitable breed, choose and begin to make some decisions about what type and how many will fit our wishes.
Hello and welcome to BYC
Have a look round the Coops for ideas. We have some very creative members here! Enjoy your chicken adventure!
Thats kool, my daddy lives in Georgia and down the street in the wood is a barn and abanded houses, some ppl kept horses out there and police ppl wood train police doggs out there. But now its deserted and the deer r everywhere. hope u hav a great time w/ ur farm. and Welcome 2 BYC :))))

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