Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

I have 2 auctions. They are for 6 eggs"Hens Choice". Shipping is $13.00 for 6 eggs and $15 for 12.00 for combined shipping for if somebody wins both auctions. Auctions end at noon sunday (tomorrow) central time. Eggs will ship Monday. Tuesday at the latest but I'm shooting for Monday. Any questions please ask.

The hens laying are Porcelain with a porcelain roo, splash with a splash roo, and mixed color sizzle hens with a porcelain roo. These are 3 separate pens.I was out of town and DH started collecting for me. He don't know my codes so some won't have any or they will be wrong. I will also add any extras I get to each auction.

Auction #1 Hens choice 6 eggs. Bidding starts at $10.00

Auction #2 Hens choice 6 eggs Bidding starts at $10.00

The splash pen has a roo that is from Bobbi Porto stock and the hens are my line. I've shown the roo and one hen when she was a pullet. The roo won 1st in BV twice and 2nd in BV once. The hen won 1st in BV.

The porcelain pen has a roo that is from Bobbi Porto stock and the hen is from my line. The roo has been shown and won 1st in BV. I haven't shown the hen. The offspring have turned out to be blue cream. Very beautiful.

Not a good pic of the hen. Below are a few of their chicks.

The mixed sizzle pen has a porcelain roo that is the son of the porcelain roo above. The hens are 2 frizzled partridge silkie hens, one has been shown and won 1st in BV, 2 white sizzle hens and one has been shown and she won 2nd in BV, a black sizzle hen and she has been shown twice and won 1st and 2nd in BV. I don't know who is laying in this pen.

This is the 2nd white sizzle hen. She was a pullet here. I don't have a pic of her now but she is identical to her mother in the first pic. Just a tad shorter. Below is the porcelain roo.

I made it home.
I realize that last auction was confusing. I have no idea why I didn't do the auction 1 and auction 2 thing. So I"m editing this one to be that way. Sorry for the confusion.
Here is the revised auction. Less confusion I hope.
It's been very rainy here and the eggs are a bit dirty. I'll do what i can to fix that issue now that i'm home. Just thought I should let everyone know so there are no surprises.
This is a BIN.
12 mixed silkie eggs. All my silkies are separated in color pens except for the sizzles. I have porcelain, silver partridge, splash and sizzles in this BIN.

$35.00 includes shipping and a heat pack if needed. BIN ends tonight at midnight. Please pay immediately when claimed so I can get them packed up and taken to the Post Office tomorrow. My paypal addy is [email protected]. I suggest you copy and paste that. Everybody spells my last name wrong.

Porcelain pen

The roo came from Bobbi Porto stock and the hens are mine. This roo has won 1st place in all 3 shows I've entered him in.

This hen produces blue cream offspring. The hen in the first pic produces mostly a light splash and sometimes a porcelain.

Splash pen

The pullet above is now a hen.

This roo won 1st place twice and 2nd once in the 3 shows I entered him in

The roo came from Bobbi Porto. and the hens are my line

Sizzle pen

This porcelain roo is the offspring of the roo in the porcelain pen

This hen won 2nd in the only show I put her in

This hen won 1st and 2nd in the 2 shows I put her in

This hen has not been shown yet

Silver Partridge pen

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